Sapientia University, Department of Film, Photography and Media
Magyar | Română | English
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Useful links

Online reading:

American Cinematographer - The International Journal of Film and Digital Production Techniques
David Bordwell's website
on cinema
Documentary Box
- journal devoted to recent trends in making and thinking about documentaries
Film Philosophy
- Film academia meets the web. An archive of book reviews and theoretical essays.
- learning space dedicated to the art of film sound design
Image and Narrative
- Online Magazine of the Visual Narrative
- journal of film and popular culture
Invisible Culture
- an electronic journal for visual culture
Journal of Film Preservation
- a FIAF publication on theoretical and technical aspects of film archiving
- Cinema in the Digital Age
- new perspectives on European film
Millenium Film Journal
- articles on experimental and avant-garde cinema, video, and new technologies
- online journal of film analysis
- Danish Journal of Film Studies
Roger - movies & more
Rouge - an online journal of film studies
- online journal of film&tv studies
Screening the Past
- an international, refereed, electronic journal of screen history
Senses of Cinema
- an online journal devoted to the serious and eclectic discussion of cinema
The Bioscope
- news and information on early and silent cinema
The Journal of Moving Image Studies - online journal with "substantive articles evincing solid scholarship and provocative insight"

Romanian Universities:

Universitatea Naţională de Artă Teatrală şi Cinematografică "I.L.Caragiale"
Universitatea Hyperion
, the dept. of photography, cinematography, media

Databases, archives:

DocuArt - the database of Hungarian documentaries
European Film Treasures
- online archive of the European cinematographic heritage
- the Hungarian National Audiovisual Archive
- avant-garde films & videos

Online collections of movie scripts:

Simply Scripts - online collection of scripts and links to new sites
Classic Movie Scripts - classic film scripts online
The Weekly Script - scripts of classic and new movies
The Daily Scipt - online script archive
Script Collector - scripts for future screenwriters
PDF Screenplays
- scripts to download
Screenplays Online - script archive
Awsome Movie Scripts - original screenplays
Being Charlie Kaufman - site dedicated to the works of Charlie Kaufman
Written By - The Magazine of the Writers Guild of America - news, scripts to download


Online dictionary:

Sapientia - Erdélyi Magyar Tudományegyetem Sapientia - EMTE, Kolozsvári Kar
Sapientia - Hangtechnika
Rekollekt - Erdélyi Audiovizuális Archívum
Erdélyi Magyar Filmszövetség Beanbag Animation Studio
Magyar Filmtudományi Társaság ELTE Filmtudomány Tanszék
Filmtett - Erdélyi Filmes Portál
Metropolis - Filmelméleti és filmtörténeti folyóirat