Sapientia University, Department of Film, Photography and Media
Magyar | Română | English


153 items found | show all in one page
The Death of Darcula at the Mediawave FestivalThe Death of Darcula at the Mediawave Festival
23/05/2024 04:58 PM
As part of the 34th Mediawave International Film Festival, the first test screening of the remake of the lost silent film The Death of Dracula took place, accompanied by live music.
Issue nr. 24 of our department's scientific journal has been publishedIssue nr. 24 of our department's scientific journal has been published
01/12/2023 10:42 PM
It contains essays written following the international workshop, Uncanny Intermediality
Immersion - multimedia exhibition in our StudioImmersion - multimedia exhibition in our Studio
19/10/2023 06:44 PM
Created by András Csaba Nemes and Mira Marincaș for the Affective Intermediality international film studies conference in Cluj-Napoca.
Our student's work is exhibitedOur student's work is exhibited
11/09/2023 11:00 PM
on the World Cyanotypy Day with the guidance of: dr. Mira Marincaș and Istvan Havadi-Nagy-David.
Erasmus Blended Intensive Program: Working with Archive Material in Short MoviesErasmus Blended Intensive Program: Working with Archive Material in Short Movies
09/03/2023 10:51 AM
The Faculty of Sapientia EMTE, Cluj-Napoca announces a tender for students majoring in Cinema, Photography, Media and Film Studies with the support of the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union to participate in a short mixed study mobility within the framework of Erasmus Blended Intensive Program.
We launched the CFP for a new international conference: We launched the CFP for a new international conference:
27/01/2023 11:20 PM
AFFECTIVE INTERMEDIALITY, to be held between 20-21 Oct. 2023, organized within our new research project.
You can watch two interviews that we made with Laura Mulvey at the Sapientia University,You can watch two interviews that we made with Laura Mulvey at the Sapientia University,
26/03/2021 08:20 PM
and in which she talks about her afterthoughts on our "Picturesque" conference and about how she became involved in film studies and filmmaking.
Vol.19 of our international English language journal of film studies has been publishedVol.19 of our international English language journal of film studies has been published
26/03/2021 07:37 PM
with a selection of essays written following our conference on "The Picturesque. Visual Pleasure and Intermediality"
Volume 18 of our international Film and Media Studies journal has just been publishedVolume 18 of our international Film and Media Studies journal has just been published
02/11/2020 11:58 PM
An interview with Cecília Felméri was publishedAn interview with Cecília Felméri was published
11/03/2020 11:46 AM
Our colleague finished her first feature-length film in January.
Melinda Blos-Jáni was interviewed by the Transylvanian online newspaper TransindexMelinda Blos-Jáni was interviewed by the Transylvanian online newspaper Transindex
10/02/2020 02:05 PM
László Gál discussed with our colleague about archive photos and films.
Our former student was awarded at the 3rd László Kovács and Vilmos Zsigmond Cinematography CompetitionOur former student was awarded at the 3rd László Kovács and Vilmos Zsigmond Cinematography Competition
10/02/2020 12:34 PM
Csaba Bántó received the award given by the Society of Hungarian Cinematographers.
The movies of our graduate students were screened at the 2020 Budapest International Documentary Film FestivalThe movies of our graduate students were screened at the 2020 Budapest International Documentary Film Festival
10/02/2020 12:10 PM
The festival took place between January 27 and February 2, where Réka Ugron and Barna László presented their documentaries.

Sapientia - Erdélyi Magyar Tudományegyetem Sapientia - EMTE, Kolozsvári Kar
Sapientia - Hangtechnika
Rekollekt - Erdélyi Audiovizuális Archívum
Erdélyi Magyar Filmszövetség Beanbag Animation Studio
Magyar Filmtudományi Társaság ELTE Filmtudomány Tanszék
Filmtett - Erdélyi Filmes Portál
Metropolis - Filmelméleti és filmtörténeti folyóirat