Sapientia University, Department of Film, Photography and Media
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AniMates festival & forum

The Media Department of Sapientia EMU Cluj-Napoca Faculty of Arts organizes an animation film festival in collaboration with Beanbag Animation Studio between 11-13 October.

The aim of the festival is to bring together animation workshops and animation enthusiasts (with a special focus on Hungarian and Romanian animation) and to promote the expressive potential of animation among the general audience.

Call for entries - animation contest



  • Estonian animation: screenings of films by Kaspar Jancis, Sander Joon and Lucija Mrzljak with the directors presence + Q&A
  • Screening of selections from Eastern European festivals
  • Animation feature film screening: White Plastic Sky (2023) + Q&A
  • Children's programme: screenings and hands-on insights into the world of animation
  • Workshop and exchange of experiences with representatives of the participating animation schools
  • FunKorporation concert with animation visuals
  • Screening of District (Nyócker!, 2004) movie made by Gauder Áron and Novák Erik.

The entrance is free!

Sapientia - Erdélyi Magyar Tudományegyetem Sapientia - EMTE, Kolozsvári Kar
Sapientia - Hangtechnika
Rekollekt - Erdélyi Audiovizuális Archívum
Erdélyi Magyar Filmszövetség Beanbag Animation Studio
Magyar Filmtudományi Társaság ELTE Filmtudomány Tanszék
Filmtett - Erdélyi Filmes Portál
Metropolis - Filmelméleti és filmtörténeti folyóirat