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Affective Intermediality. Cinema between Media, Sensation and Reality
- Exploratory Research Project supported by a grant of the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, CNCS - UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-1297, within PNCDI III, 01. 06. 2022 – 31. 12. 2024.
This research aims to accomplish a complex investigation into what we propose to term "affective intermediality". We see this as a necessary and logical extension of the line of thinking that conceives intermediality not in semiotic terms, as a set of abstract categories and combinations (i.e. a kind of grammar), but – drawing on phenomenology and various philosophical sources – as a "poetics", an art of in-betweenness, or as a "sensual excess", "as a perceivable figure of media difference which disturbs the order of the discourse" (Joachim Paech). We attempt to map a wider area where "an affective turn" of intermediality studies can be conceived and where a focus on affects and sensations can yield a better understanding of the ways in which intermediality "works", and intermedial phenomena can establish "passages to physical reality" (Lúcia Nagib). Through in-depth case studies focusing on a wide selection from recent films made all over the world, with a special attention given also to films made by women, we propose an investigation into the affordances of intermedial cinema in conveying and generating specific "sensibilities", in experimenting with the representability and affective accessibility of a traumatic past or with the combination of emotional engagement and reflexive distantiation. We emphasize the epistemic value of intermediality: its capacity to generate feelings and revelations about the world.
We propose a threefold research:
1. A theoretical exploration with the aim of initiating a new approach in intermediality studies defined as "affective intermediality". Our general theoretical goal is to define this approach conceptually and to identify key areas where this should be implemented. We aim to theorize intermediality from the vantage points of affects, sensations connecting the experience of intermediality to reality. We propose to investigate the affective and performative role of intermediality, and to search for theoretical tools to describe such processes.
2. An examination of poetic strategies and tropes through which an "affective intermediality" is manifested in contemporary cinema. Our goal in this respect is to identify and interpret relevant poetic strategies (also to further refine the general modalities constituting the "structural" and the "sensual" templates of cinematic intermediality, considering also the ways they can merge).
3. An exploration of specific sensations and feelings communicated through intermediality, and an examination of ways in which impressions of media ambivalences (i.e. "sensations of intermediality") occur.
The estimated scientific results: research articles accepted in scientific journals indexed in international databases, submission of a book proposal related to the theme of the project for publication at a prestigious international publishing house, editing two special issues of the international journal Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies (indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection - ESCI) dedicated to the topic of the research project, organizing one large-scale international conference and two smaller workshops to initiate international debate and to consolidate the scientific paradigm promoted in the research project, creating a website, recording and making publicly available (on a You Tube Channel linked to the website) some of the guest lectures, presentations at the workshops and at the conference.
Duration of the program: 1 June 2022 – 31 December 2024.
Principal Investigator (PI): ÁGNES PETHŐ, PhD, Professor of Film Studies
Members of the research team:
HAJNAL KIRÁLY, PhD, experienced researcher
JUDIT PIELDNER, PhD, Associate Professor (Post-doc researcher)
MELINDA BLOS-JÁNI, PhD, Assistant Professor (Post-doc researcher)
KATALIN SÁNDOR, PhD, Assistant Professor (Post-doc researcher)
Organization of scientific events (2 workshops 1 major international conference)
International workshop organized within the project:
Details, including the Call for Papers, Programme and Abstracts of the presentations for this workshop can be accessed here.
Book launches
During the international workshop entitled Uncanny Intermediality we launched two recent books written by members of our research project, Király Hajnal and Judit Pieldner. (Hajnal Király: The Cinema of Manoel de Oliveira: Modernity, Intermediality and the Uncanny, Bloomsbury Academic, 2022. Judit Pieldner: Adaptation, Remediation and Intermediality: Forms of In-betweenness in Cinema, Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2020.)
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE organized within the research project:
LAURA RASCAROLI's keynote presentation at the conference:
JØRGEN BRUHN's keynote presentation at the conference:
You can see a selection of the presentations at this conference in this playlist.
Short interview about the topic of the conference with some of the participants (in English):
Short interview about the topic of the conference with some of the participants (in Hungarian):
A detailed photo-documentation of the AFFECTIVE INTERMEDIALITY CONFERENCE can be accessed here.
Polina Rybina, lecturer at Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia), who participated in our international conference AFFECTIVE INTERMEDIALITY, wrote a detailed report about the conference in the Russian journal, New Literary Observer No. 2, 2024, in the Scientific Chronicles section, thereby disseminating our research and its main ideas: Мы и/как медиа (We and/as Media), DOI: 10.53953/08696365_2024_186_2_424.
II. Meeting of Researchers in Intermediality. Publishing on intermediality. We organized a hybrid roundtable plenary session (IRL and online) at the Affective Intermediality conference. We discussed the possibilities of publishing research findings with editors of book series and journals specializing on intermediality. 20 October 2023.
Chairs: Ana Cláudia Munari Domingos (Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul, Brazil - online) and Ágnes Pethő (Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvani, Romania - IRL).
Participants: Jørgen Bruhn (Palgrave Studies of Intermediality - sitting at the table), Ágnes Pethő (at the table), Melinda Blos-Jáni, present IRL (Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies journal, Romania). Online participants: Masja Horn (Brill: Studies in Intermediality), Martine Beugnet (Edinburgh Studies in Film and Intermediality); Marion Schmid and Hugues Azérad (Peter Lang. European Connections: Studies In Comparative Literature, Intermediality and Aesthetics); Giovanna Santaera (Arabeschi journal, Italy); Andrea Gelardiand Marco Zilioli (Cinergie ‒ Il cinema e le altre arti / Cinema and the Other Arts journal, Italy); James Cisneros (Intermedialités. Histoire et théorie des arts, des lettres et des techniques / Intermediality. History and Theory of the Arts, Literature and Technologies journal, Canada); Janine Hauthal (The Journal for Literary and Intermedial Crossings, Belgium); Xavier Giudicelli and Sophie Stokes-Aymes (Polysèmes, Revue d'études intertextuelles et intermédiales / journal of the Society for the Study of Arts, Images and Texts, France); Brunilda Reichmann (Scripta Uniandrade journal, Brazil).
In the art exhibition entitled Immersion accompanying the Affective Intermediality conference, the audience could see the multimedia installation by Csaba András Nemes and Mira Marincaș, which created a unique space and an immersive experience that oscillated between the arts and the senses through the interplay of sculpture, photography, moving image and sound effects.
International WORKSHOP in conclusion of the research project
AFFECTIVE INTERMEDIALITY: A NEW RESEARCH PARADIGM IN FILM STUDIES. On 22 November 2024. Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania. We organized a hybrid (in person/online) international workshop in conclusion of the research project in order to debate the results and discuss future plans. The concrete aims of the workshop:
- Discussion of the research results: the evaluation of the results, conclusions, articulation of possible new perspectives.
- The discussion of the questions of affective intermediality as a possible new research paradigm of film studies.
- The debate of the scientific volume (Affective Intermediality: Moving Images between Media, Sensation and Reality) edited as part of the research project, which is currently under review in the Palgrave Studies in Intermediality series of the Springer Nature Publishing House: a discussion with the authors of the studies selected in the volume plan about the volume's theoretical framework, key concepts, about the case studies included.
Participants: members of the research project and authors of the edited volume (from Ireland, The United Kingdom, The United States, Russia, India, The Netherlands, France, Italy, Germany, Estonia, Hungary, Romania).
Participation in international conferences
We participated in a total of 24 conferences with 51 presentations (at 2 of these international conferences, the Project Director gave a keynote presentation on the topic of the research project).
Studies in Eastern European Cinemas Conference: Eastern European Screen- and Other Media,
16-17 June 2022. Organized by the journal Studies in Eastern European Cinema and the University of Central Lancashire.
- Ágnes Pethő (keynote speaker): The Past is a Ready-Made? Rethinking Collage Effect, Affect and Intermediality in the Films of Radu Jude and Sergei Loznitsa.
- Hajnal Király: Autonomy, Victimisation and Social Media in Contemporary Hungarian and Romanian Cinema.
The NECS (European Network for Cinema and Media Studies) Conference. Epistemic Media: Atlas, Archive, Network. Bucharest (Romania), 22-26. 06. 2022.
The conference programme can be accessed here. The team proposed and presented a panel promoting the research project entitled: Affective Intermediality. Cinema between Media, Sensation, and Reality, and disseminated early results of the project. In addition, one member also presented a paper in the panel, Film History beyond the Limelight: Cineclub Culture in Romania. Institutions, Visual Formats and Curatorial Practices.
Papers presented at this conference:
- Ágnes Pethő: Intermediality, Affect and Performativity in the Collage Films of Radu Jude
- Judit Pieldner: In between the Epistemic and the Affective. Michael Haneke: Time of the Wolf
- Katalin Sándor: Picturesque, Affective, and Political. Cinematic Landscape in Valeska Grisebach’s Western (2017)
- Hajnal Király: Living the Films: Dramatization, Reenactment and Intermediality as Scene of Professional Sensitivity Training
- Melinda Blos-Jáni: The Small Gauge Film between Leisure and Science. Notes on the Romanian Amateur Cineclub Movement
The 'Little Apparatus." 100 Years of 9,5 mm Film. International conference hosted online by the Department of Film Studies and the Centre For International Film Research at the University of Southampton (UK), 16-18. 06. 2022.
Paper presented at this conference:
- Melinda Blos-Jáni: Negotiating Media Specificity. Three Amateur Filmmakers in Transylvania from the Interwar Period
Visible Evidence: Images of History. University of Gdansk (Poland), 10-14. 08. 2022. Full programme of the conference can be accessed here.
Paper presented at this conference:
- Kamilla Simor: Colour as a Temporal Layer: the Problem of Colourizing, Transforming and Digitally Rearranging Archival Footage from the Spanish Civil War.
6th International Society for Intermedial Studies Conference. In Between and Across: New Directions, Mappings and Contact Zones. Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin (Ireland), 1-3. 09. 2022. The full programme of the conference can be accessed here.
We proposed a preconstituted panel with the title Cinema's Affective Intermediality, and presented the following papers:
- Ágnes Pethő: Towards an Affective Turn in Intermediality Studies
- Judit Pieldner: Towards the Other (Arts). Affective Intermediality in Sally Potter's Films
- Melinda Blos-Jáni: From Picturesque Landscapes to Haptic Sensations. Documentaries about the Danube Delta.
UNCANNY INTERMEDIALITY INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP. Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania - Centre for Cinematic Intermediality and Visual Culture, Cluj-Napoca (Romania), 20-21 October 2022.
Presentations at this workshop:
- Ágnes Pethő: The Uncanniness of Intermediality
- Judit Pieldner: Intermedial Transgressions into the Uncanny in Martin McDonagh's In Bruges
- Katalin Sándor: "It's Not So Far, Not So Near." (Un)homely Landscapes in Contemporary Romanian Films
- Kamilla Simor: Analogue to Digital, Black and White to Colour. On the Issues of Colourized Archival Material
- Melinda Blos-Jáni: The Uncanny of the Self Portrait in Jonas Mekas's and José Luis Guerín's Filmed Correspondences
A Magyar Filmtudományi Társaság éves konferenciája: Háború, agresszió, konfliktus. Mozgóképi reprezentációk és gyakorlatok. (The annual conference of the Hungarian Society for Film Studies: War, Agression, Conflict. Cinematic Reprezentations and Practices). University of Art and Design Moholy-Nagy, Budapest (Hungary). 4-5 November 2022.
Paper presented at this conference:
- Kamilla Simor: A szín mint időbeli réteg. Az archív háborús felvételek kolorizációjának problémái (Colour as a Temporal Layer. Issues of Colourizing Archival Footage of War)
Presentation at this conference:
- Melinda Blos-Jáni: Kolozsvári fotósok az 1920-30-as években: intézmények és médiumok között [Photographers in Cluj-Napoca in the Interwar Period: Between Institutions and Media]
NECS (European Network for Cinema and Media Studies) Conference: Care. Oslo (Norway),13-17 June 2023.
Organizing a special panel with the title: Processing Trauma through Intermediality and Affective Metalepsis and presenting two papers:
- Ágnes Pethő : Between Empathy and Aesthetic Distance: Picturing Love and Loss in Joanna Hogg's Souvenir Films and The Eternal Daughter
- Melinda Blos-Jáni : Filial Care and Personal Archiveology in Recent European Documentaries
VISIBLE EVIDENCE Conference XXIX: Documentary Ecologies, Udine (Italy), 6-9 September 2023.
The conference programme can be downloaded from here.
Presentations at this conference:
- Kamilla Simor: To Forget and (Re)remember: Representing War Trauma in Performative Documentaries
- Melinda Blos-Jáni: Lengthening and Freezing the Image: The Sensual Archaeology of the Archive
Budapest Classics Lab (Conference organized in the framework of the international film festival, Budapest Classical Film Marathon),12-17 September. Organized by: The National Film Archive in Budapest, Hungary.
Presentation in English:
- Melinda Blos-Jáni: What the Photographic Image Means in the Post-media Age Documentary (Summary in Hungarian can be read here: Mit jelent a fénykép a poszt-média korszak dokumentumfilmjében?)
Elképzelt Erdély vizuális emlékezete / Imaginary Transylvania imaginară. The Visual Memory of the Region (conference organized within the 23. Filmtettfeszt, the Festival of Hungarian Films in Transylvania, co-organized by Babeș-Bolyai Universtity from Cluj-Napoca, Romania and the journal Apertura from Szeged, Hungary), 6-7 October 2023.
- Blos-Jáni Melinda: Romániai magyarokról készült riportok, mint emberi jogi diskurzusok a FEKETE DOBOZ független videófolyóiratban (1988-1996) / Video reportages about Hungarians from Romania. Visualizing Human Rights Discourses in the Budapest-based Independent Video Journal Entitled Black Box (1988-1996).
AFFECTIVE INTERMEDIALITY CONFERENCE, large-scale international conference organized within the framework of the research project. Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvani - Centre for Cinematic Intermediality and Visual Culture, Cluj-Napoca (Romania), 20-21 October 2023.
Presentations at this conference:
- Hajnal Király: Beyond the Body Horror: Identity, Sensation and Affect in Anna Nemes - László Csuja's Gentle (2022)
- Katalin Sándor: Hospitality and Affective Encounters in Marian Crișan's Film Morgen and Cristian Mungiu's R.M.N.
- Ágnes Pethő: "Molecular" Intermediality. Tacita Dean's Precarious Visions in-between the Visual Arts, Cinema and the Gallery Film
- Melinda Blos-Jáni: Photographic Leaps into the Past. The Affective Hybridity of Recent European Documentaries
- Judit Pieldner: Uncanny (E)motions of Intermediality in Grant Gee's Patience (After Sebald)
- Kamilla Simor: The Democratisation of Perception: Intermediality in the Digital Age
A Magyar Filmtudományi Társaság éves Konferenciája / The annual conference of the Hungarian Society for Film Studies: "In One's Own Skin." Identities and Self-reflexive images în Film. Eger, Eszterházy Károly Catholic University, Hungary, 3-4 November 2023.
Paper presented at this conference:
- Simor Kamilla: A háború reprezentációjának részvételi jellege és „az érzékelés demokratizálódása." (The Participatory Nature of the Representation of War and "the Democratization of Perception.")
(E)MOTION IN CHANGING WORLDS, international conference organized by The Department of English Literature of the School of English at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. November 3-5. 2023.
The team proposed a special panel for this conference entitled: On Affective Intermediality and (Im)mobility in Contemporary European Cinema
Titles of the presentations:
- Hajnal Király: The Weight of Care: Figures of Emotional (Im)Mobility in Contemporary European Cinema
- Judit Pieldner: The Crisis of Care and Affective Intermediality in Sally Potter's The Roads Not Taken
- Katalin Sándor: Representations of Hospitality, Conflict and Affective Encounter with the Migrant in Marian Crișan's Film Morgen and Cristian Mungiu's R. M. N
The BAFTSS Colour and Film SIG Research Seminar. 6 November 2023.
- Kamilla Simor was invited to present a paper at this prestigious online seminar with the title:
Reconfiguration of the Past: The Spanish Civil War in Colour
Encounters in/among Language, Literature, and Arts international conference organized by the Department for Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Economics, Socio-Human Sciences and Engineering, Miercurea Ciuc, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, between 22-23 March 2024.
Title of the presentation:
- Judit Pieldner: Spectral Encounters of Intermediality in Grant Gee's Patience (After Sebald)
Intermedial Connections: Impurity in the Arts. International conference organized by the Theatre and Film School - Lisbon Polytechnic Institute. 8-10 May 2024. Lisbon (Portugal). Conference Programme.
This international conference was the most important scientific event abroad where we were able to be present with the whole team and to disseminate the ideas underlying the research project and the preliminary results with increased international visibility.
Presentations at this international conference:
- Ágnes Pethő: Uncanny Cinematicity: Between the Aesthetics of Self-Reflexivity and the Politics of Impurity (keynote speaker)
- Katalin Sándor: Embodied Diasporic Encounters and Affective Urban Landscapes in Bas Devos's Film, Here
- Judit Pieldner: Corporeality and Imageness, Intermediality and Intersensuality in Céline Sciamma's Portrait of a Lady on Fire
- Hajnal Király: Intermediality and Performances of the Self in Anna Nemes's and Kim Corbisier's Work
- Melinda Blos-Jáni: The Affective Intermediality of Prosthetic Memory in Recent Documentaries on Dementia
- Kamilla Simor: Digital Remediation and Affective Changes: The Problem of Colourization in Two Documentaries
Dementia in Film, Media and Culture: international symposium organized by Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh. 31 May, 2024.
Titlul prezentării:
- Melinda Blos-Jáni: The Affective Intermediality of the Analogue in Recent Documentaries on Dementia
La sensation au cinéma / Sensations in Film: conference organized at the Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris. 17 October 2024.
Presentation at this conference:
- Ágnes Pethő: Uncanny Cinematicity and Sensations of Intermediality in Abbas Kiarostami's Experimental Films
Intermedial Networks: The Digital Present and Beyond, The 7th conference of the International Society of Intermedial Studies, Linnaeus University, Växjö (Sweden). 23-25 October 2024.
- Melinda Blos-Jáni: Lengthening and Enhancing the Image: the Documentary Hybridity of the Digitally Edited Found Footage (online)
- Kamilla Simor: Colourized Histories and "Presentification" of the Past (online)
Film at the Crossroads of Politics and Economics: The Annual Conference of the Hungarian Society for Film Studies, Pécs (Hungary), 7-9 November 2024.
Presentations at this conference (in Hungarian):
- Simor Kamilla: Kiszínezett történelem. Kolorizációs eljárások kompilációs dokumentumfilmekben [Colorful history. Coloring procedures in compiled documentary films]
- Király Hajnal: Megfáradt angyalok: Radu Jude trilógiájának történelmi víziója [Tired Angels: A Historical Vision of Radu Jude's Trilogy]
Hungarian Science Day in Transylvania. Literature, Linguistics and Ethnography Section: Women's Culture - Women for Culture. 23 November 2024. Erdélyi Múzeum Egyesület / Transylvanian Museum Association, Cluj.
Paper presented at this conference (in Hungarian):
- Pieldner Judit: Regardez-moi - Kép és tekintet köztes terei, intermediális átváltozások Céline Sciamma Portré a lángoló fiatal lányról című filmjében (In-between the Image and the Gaze, Intermedial Transformations in Céline Sciamma's film Portrait of a Lady on Fire)
VII. Hungarian Psychoanalytical Film Conference: Liminal Spaces, Pécs (Hungary), 29-30 November 2024. The programme of the conference (in Hungarian).
Paper presented at this conference (in Hungarian):
- Király Hajnal꞉ Puszta, tó, rengeteg꞉ a bűntudat, veszteség és hiány lelki tájai a rendszerváltás utáni magyar és román filmben (Desert, Lake, Forest - The Spiritual Landscapes of Guilt, Loss and Lack in Hungarian and Romanian Films after the Regime Change)
Guest lectures presenting ideas and results of the research project
- 12 October 2022. At the invitation of the Doctoral School of the University of Art and Design Moholy-Nagy, Budapest (Hungary) Ágnes Pethő gave a guest lecture with the title: Intermedialitás a filmművészetben. A köztesség nézőpontjainak változásai (Intermediality in the Art of Cinema. Changes in the Viewpoints of In-betweenness).
- 21 November 2022. Ágnes Pethő delivered two guest lectures at the invitation of the Department of Cultural Values, Archaeology, History, Art, Film and Music at the University of Padua, Italy.
The titles of the 2 guest lectures were:
a. Intermediality in Contemporary Cinema: Passages between Art and Life,
b. Intermediality in Pedro Almodóvar's The Human Voice.
- 24 April 2024: the project director, Ágnes Pethő delivered a guest lecture at the University of Edinburgh (UK) with the participation of colleagues and students from the Master of Science and PhD program specialized in intermediality (Literature, Film and the Arts in Dialogue MSc / PhD Programs and Research Strand). The title of the presentation was: Cinematicity and Affective Intermediality. The abstract of this talk can be read here and here.
- 2 October 2024. Ágnes Pethő was invited to deliver a guest lecture at the University of Bern (Switzerland) with the title: Affective Intermediality and the Politics of Impurity in Film. The lecture was part of the series of presentations entitled Literature and Other Media in the Age of (Cultural) Sustainability. Organizers: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Rippl, Dr. Sofie Behluli, Dr. Viola Marchi.
Articles in scientific journals indexed in international databases:
A total of 19 articles indexed in international databases (1 ISI).
- Kamilla Simor: Wars in Colour. Critical Perspectives on Digital Colourisation in Historical Documentaries. Vol. 40, No. 1, 30–40, Visual Studies, special issue: Colourised Histories (adatbázisok: ARTbibliographies Modern; Current Abstracts; Design and Applied Arts Index; Ergonomics Abstracts Online; Humanities International Index; International Bibliography of the Social Sciences; OCLC; SCOPUS; Thomson Reuters Arts & Humanities Citation Index®.)
- Katalin Sándor: Otthonképzetek, párkapcsolati krízis és női nézőpont Hajdu Szabolcs Kálmán-nap című kamarafilmjében [Concepts of home, relationship crisis and women's point of view in Hajdu Szabolcs's chamber film Kálmán-nap / Kalman's Day]. Erdélyi Múzeum, 2024, nr. 3. 63-70. (CNCS B-category journal, indexed in: ERIH PLUS, CEEOL, Index Copernicus) DOI:
- Ágnes Pethő: Current Issues of Intermedial Scholarship Discussed with Editors of Book Series and Journals Specializing on Intermediality. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies (special issue on Intermedial Practices, Affective Immersions), 26 (2024) 1-46. DOI: 10.47745/ausfm-2024-0009. (Indexed in: Web of Science Core Collection Emerging Sources Citation Index - ESCI, ERIH plus, CEEOL, NSD, etc.)
- Kamilla Simor: (Re)Constructing Collective Memory. Mobile Media Based Documentaries on the Siege of Mariupol. Studies in Eastern European Cinema, 2024, 1-16., special issue: Images of War (indexed: Film and Television Literature Index, MLA International Bibliography, Scopus, ERIH Plus, Web of Science Core Collection Emerging Sources Citation Index - ESCI).
- Katalin Sándor: The Politics of Quotidian Gestures. Screening the Migrant and the Host in Marian Crișan's Film, Morgen and Cristian Mungiu's R. M. N. Studies in Eastern European Cinema, 2024, 1-16. (indexed: Film and Television Literature Index, MLA International Bibliography, Scopus, ERIH Plus, Web of Science Core Collection Emerging Sources Citation Index - ESCI).
- Melinda Blos-Jáni: The Visibility of a City in the Interwar Period. Scopic Regimes in the Photographs of Lajos Orbán (1897-1972) from Cluj-Napoca, Studia Universitatis Babes Bolyai - Historia Artium Vol. 68, 2023, 141-164. ISSUE DOI: 10.24193/subbhistart. (COD CNCSIS:529, C.E.E.O.L, EBSCO, PROQUEST.)
- Hajnal Király: Social Media, Female Victimization and Autonomy in Contemporary Hungarian and Romanian Cinema. Studies in Eastern European Cinema (Indexed in: Film and Television Literature Index, MLA International Bibliography, Scopus, ERIHPlus, Web of Science Core Collection Emerging Sources Citation Index - ESCI), 16 January 2024. p 1-20. DOI:
- Kamilla Simor: Uncanny Colours of the Past. Phenomenological Notes on Remediation and Colourization of Black-and-White Footage. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies 2023. vol. 24: 15-38. DOI: 10.2478/ausfm-2023-0012. (Web of Science Core Collection Emerging Sources Citation Index - ESCI, ERIH plus, CEEOL, NSD, etc.)
- Ágnes Pethő: The Uncanniness of Intermediality. Joanna Hogg’s Eerily Self-Reflexive Cinema. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies 2023. vol. 24: 39-79. DOI: 10.2478/ausfm-2023-0013 (Web of Science Core Collection Emerging Sources Citation Index - ESCI, ERIH plus, CEEOL, NSD, etc.)
- Melinda Blos-Jáni: Filial Care and Familial Postmemory. On the Uncanny and Affective Intermediality of Analogue Media Use in Recent European Documentaries. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies 2023. vol. 24: 80-91. DOI: 10.2478/ausfm-2023-0014 (Web of Science Core Collection Emerging Sources Citation Index - ESCI, ERIH plus, CEEOL, NSD, etc.)
- Judit Pieldner: The Crisis of Care and Uncanny Intersensuality in Sally Potter’s The Roads Not Taken. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies 2023. vol. 24: 92-112. DOI: 10.2478/ausfm-2023-0015 (Web of Science Core Collection Emerging Sources Citation Index - ESCI, impact factor: 0.1, ERIH plus, CEEOL, NSD, etc.)
- Katalin Sándor: Rural Landscapes and Affective Encounters in Radu Muntean’s Film, Întregalde. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies 2023. vol. 24: 113-130. DOI: 10.2478/ausfm-2023-0016 (Web of Science Core Collection Emerging Sources Citation Index - ESCI, ERIH plus, CEEOL, NSD, etc.)
- Ágnes Pethő: Tacita Dean's Affective Intermediality: Precarious Visions in-between the Visual Arts, Cinema, and the Gallery Film. Arts 2023 Volume 12, Issue 4, 168. Special Issue "A Comparative Study of Media in Contemporary Visual Art" edited by Helen Westgeest. (Journal indexed in: Web of Science -ESCI, impact factor 0.5, EBSCO, DOAJ, ProQuest, Gale, Digital Science, etc.)
- Judit Pieldner: The Strange Case of Manoel de Oliveira. Review of The Cinema of Manoel de Oliveira. Modernity, Intermediality and the Uncanny, Hajnal Király, Bloomsbury Academic, 2022. Ekphrasis. Images, Cinema, Theory, Media. 2023. 29/1. 10-113. (Journal indexed in: Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics), SCOPUS, ERIH PLUS, EBSCO, NSD, and CEEOL)
- Ágnes Pethő: The Exquisite Corpse of History. Radu Jude and the Intermedial Collage. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies, 2022. vol. 21: 36-100. DOI: 10.2478/ausfm-2022-0003. (Indexed in several international databases, e.g. in Web of Science Core Collection Emerging Sources Citation Index - ESCI, ERIH plus, etc.)
- Sándor Katalin: Transznacionális elmozdulások Valeska Grisebach Western (2017) című filmjében.[Transnational Displacements in Valeska Grisebach's Film, Western (2017)] Erdélyi Múzeum, 2022. 3. 133-140. DOI:
2022-3-11 (CNCS B category journal, indexed in the following international databases: ERIH PLUS, CEEOL, Index Copernicus) - Judit Pieldner: Crisis Narrative and Affective Intermediality: Figuring Disaster in Michael Haneke's Time of the Wolf. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies, 22 (2022) 18-38. DOI: 10.2478/ausfm-2022-0010. (Indexed in several international databases, e.g. in Web of Science Core Collection Emerging Sources Citation Index - ESCI, ERIH plus, etc.)
- Hajnal Király: Hajnal Király: The Ludovico Effect of Intermediality in A Clockwork Orange: The Novel and the Film. The AnaChronisT, New Series, Vol. 20, 2022, 102-119. DOI:10.53720/XIYI2506 (Indexed in the following databases: Cengage Gale and EBSCO).
- Melinda Blos-Jáni: A film médiumáról való beszéd a Művelődésben (1948-1985). [Discourses about the Medium of Film in the Journal Művelődés (1948–1985)] ME.dok (forthcoming). (Indexed in the following databases: Index Copernicus, CEEOL, Erih Plus. CNCSIS category C journal.)
Publications in cultural journals abroad:
Total: 4 articles.
- Judit Pieldner: Corporeality and Imageness, Intermediality and Intersensuality in Céline Sciamma's Portrait of a Lady on Fire. RHINOCERVS: Cinema, Dança, Música, Teatro, ISSN:2795-577X; eISSN:2795-5788 - accepted for publication in 2025.
- Simor Kamilla: Érzéki képek, intermediális terek. Beszámoló az Affective Intermediality konferenciáról. [Sensuous Images, Intermedial Spaces. Raport about the international conference Affective Intermediality]. The journal of film history and theory from Hungary: Metropolis, 2023 December.
- Simor Kamilla: A múlt színei. Megjegyzések a fekete-fehér felvételek színes remedializációjáról. [Colours of the Past. Notes about the Colourized Remediation of Black-and-White Footage] Apertúra, 2023. ősz.
- Simor Kamilla: Intézménnyé válni. Frederick Wiseman munkásságának filmtörténeti és társadalomelméleti megközelítései. Prizma filmművészeti folyóirat, 2022/1 [To Become an Institution. Film Historical and Theoretical Approachest to the Oeuvre of Frederick Wiseman. Prizma. Journal of the Art of Film] (forthcoming).
Book chapters in edited volumes published by scientific publishing houses:
A total of 10 book chapters:
- Ágnes Pethő: Cinema's Affective and Metaleptic Intermediality. In: Massimo Fusillo, Doriana Legge, Mirko Lino, Mattia Petricola, Gianluigi Rossini (szerk.): Transcodification: Literature, Arts, Media. De Gruyter (accepted for publication, forthcoming in 2025).
- Kamilla Simor: Rögzítés és tanúságtétel. Dokumentumfilmek Mariupol ostromáról Recording and Witnessing. Documentaries about the Siege of Mariupol). In: Győri Zsolt és Kalmár György (eds.): A háború reprezentációja (The Representation of War). Debrecen, ZOOM - A kortárs filmtudomány kulcskérdései sorozat vol. 9. (accepted for publication in 2025).
- Hajnal Király: Plains, Mountains and Lakes: Landscapes of Loss and Guilt in Postsocialist Hungarian and Romanian Cinema. In: David Melbye (ed.): Global Cinema Studies in Landscape Allegory, Lanham: Lexington Books, 2024. 47-69. ISBN 9781666921229.
- Katalin Sándor: Marian Crișan: Morgen. In: Dana Duma, Stephan Krause, Anke Pfeifer (eds.): Klassiker des Rumänischen Films. Marburg, Schüren Verlag, 2024: 183–190. ISBN 978-3-7410-0395-0.
- Judit Pieldner: Towards the Other (Arts). Intersubjectivity and Intermediality in Sally Potter's Films. In: Zsuzsanna Dégi, Katalin Lajos, Judit Pieldner, Erika-Mária Tódor (eds.): Tanulmányok a bölcsészettudományok köréből. Ajtony Zsuzsanna születésnapjára / Studies in Humanities. On Zsuzsanna Ajtony's Birthday. Cluj-Napoca: Editura Scientia, 2024: 75-86. ISBN 978-606-975-096-4.
- Judit Pieldner: Kultúrák, művészetek, életvilágok kereszteződése Sally Potter filmjeiben. [Intersections of Culture, Arts and Lifeworlds in the Films of Sally Potter] In: Magda Ajtay-Horváth, Tamás Tukacs (eds): Kereszt/eződések – Válaszutak és metszéspontok a kultúrában és a történelemben. Interdiszciplináris tanulmányok II. [Intersections - in Culture and History. Interdisciplinary Essays II] Universitatea din Nyíregyháza, 2023: 121–132. ISBN 978-615-6032-63-8.
- Judit Pieldner: Sensations of In-Betweenness, Intermedial Transgressions in Martin McDonagh's In Bruges. In: Melinda Blos-Jáni, Hajnal Király, Mihály Lakatos, Judit Pieldner, Katalin Sándor (eds.): Intermedial Encounters. Scientia, Cluj Napoca, 2022. ISBN 9786069750735. 211-221.
- Katalin Sándor: "Excavations" – An Intermedial Approach to Corneliu Porumboiu's The Treasure (2015). In: Melinda Blos-Jáni, Hajnal Király, Mihály Lakatos, Judit Pieldner, Katalin Sándor (eds.): Intermedial Encounters. Scientia, Cluj Napoca, 2022. ISBN 9786069750735. 249-259.
- Hajnal Király: Guilty Landscapes and Landscapes of Guilt in Contemporary Cinema. In: Melinda Blos-Jáni, Hajnal Király, Mihály Lakatos, Judit Pieldner, Katalin Sándor (eds.): Intermedial Encounters. Scientia, Cluj Napoca, 2022. ISBN 9786069750735. 325-335.
- Melinda Blos-Jáni: Getting in Touch. (Un)Framing Reality in Jonas Mekas's and José Luis Guerín's Filmed Correspondences (2011). In: Melinda Blos-Jáni, Hajnal Király, Mihály Lakatos, Judit Pieldner, Katalin Sándor (eds.): Intermedial Encounters. Scientia, Cluj Napoca, 2022. ISBN 9786069750735. 393-407.
2 special issues of a journal indexed in international scientific databases:
Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies, 2023 vol. 24: Uncanny Intermediality - articles written following the international workshop organized with the same titel in October 2022 (the journal is indexed in: Web of Science Core Collection Emerging Sources Citation Index - ESCI, impact factor: 0.1, ERIH plus, CEEOL, NSD, etc. It is published both online in a gold open access form and in print with coloured illustrations.)
3 books published:
- Hajnal Király: The Cinema of Manoel de Oliveira. Modernity, Intermediality and the Uncanny.
New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2022. ISBN: 9781501378638. - Király Hajnal: Film a határon. Tanulmányok a 2001 és 2018 közötti magyar és román filmről (Film across the Border. Studies about Hungarian and Romanian Cinema between 2011 and 2018). Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület, Cluj, 2022. ISBN: 978-606-739-221-0. CNCS category B Publishing House (in the field of cinema and media studies).
- Melinda Blos-Jáni, Hajnal Király, Mihály Lakatos, Judit Pieldner, Katalin Sándor (eds.): Intermedial Encounters. Studies in Honour of Ágnes Pethő. Editura Scientia, Cluj Napoca, 2022. ISBN 9786069750735. CNCS categoriy B Publishing House.
Ágnes Pethő (ed.): AFFECTIVE INTERMEDIALITY: MOVING IMAGES BETWEEN MEDIA, SENSATION AND REALITY (manuscript accepted for publication at Springer Nature / Palgrave Macmillan, for the series: Palgrave Studies in Intermediality), estimated date of publication: 2025.
The volume, which summarizes the scientific results of the project, aims to explore and solidify an emerging paradigm in intermediality studies centered on the idea of "affective intermediality".
Comprised of 4 large chapters and 20 in-depth case studies, the volume investigates the possibilities of cinematic intermediality to convey and to generate specific "sensibilities" regarding issues of contemporary reality and art, unravelling intermediality as a form of critical and affective engagement. Focusing on a wide selection of recent films produced in diverse geo-cultural contexts, not limited to Europe (including films from Iran, South Africa, India, China) and through fiction films, documentaries and works of art that use the moving images, the book also pays special attention to films made by (and featuring) women.
The volume promotes the writings of researchers at the beginning of their careers (many also coming from outside Europe) alongside the writings of established authors in film studies.
The detailed contents of this book can be accessed here.
Doctoral dissertation written within this research project:
- Kamilla Simor (a PhD student at the Doctoral School of the University of Pécs, Hungary) has written her PhD thesis during the unfolding of this research project. The (provisional) title of her thesis for which "affective intermediality" has become a key koncept, is: Mediality, Memory, Documentary. Representations of War after the Turn of the Millennium. The finalization of this thesis and its defense will take place in 2025.