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dr. Ágnes Pethő
Professor of Film Studies
E-mail: petho.agnes@kv.sapientia.ro
Consulting hours: Monday: 12.00-14.00
Courses and seminars:
FILM THEORY 2 (BA), course
FILM HISTORY 3 (BA), course
FILM HISTORY 4 (BA), course
FILM AND THE OTHER ARTS (MA), course and lab
Research interests: intermediality and self-reflexivity in the cinema, theory of word and image relations, film and the other arts (film and painting, film and photography, film and literature, etc.), film in the postmedia age, the poetics of modern and postmodern cinema.
Single author:
- Cinema and Intermediality. The Passion for the In-Between. Second, Enlarged Edition, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020. ISBN. 978-1-5275-5206-7 (499 pages)
- Cinema and Intermediality. The Passion for the In-Between, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011.
ISBN (10):1-4438-2879-3, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-2879-6 (432 pages) - Múzsák tükre. Az intermedialitás és az önreflexió poétikája a filmben. [Mirror of the Muses. The Poetics of Intermediality and Self-Reflexivity in Film] Miercurea-Ciuc, Pro- Print Publishing House, 2003. ISBN (10) 1-84718-843-5, ISBN (13) 97818847188434 (330 pages)
- Reflexivitás a filmben / Reflexivity in Film (bilingual university course elaborated for the European Virtual Academy Project). Cluj-Napoca, Ábel Publishing House, 2013.
Edited volumes with introductory essays:
- Ágnes Pethő (ed.): Caught In-Between. Intermediality in Contemporary Eastern European and Russian Cinema, Edinburgh University Press, (Edinburgh Studies in Film and Intermediality), 020. ISBN Hardback: 9781474435499 (254 p.)
- Ágnes Pethő (ed.):The Cinema of Sensations. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015. ISBN-13:978-1-4438-6883-9, ISBN-10:1-4438-6883-3 (395 p.)
- Ágnes Pethő (ed.): Film in the Post-Media Age. Cambridge Scholars Publishing,
2012. ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-3753-8, ISBN (10) 1-4438-3753-9 (430 pages) - Ágnes Pethő (ed.): Words and Images on the Screen. Language, Literature, Moving Pictures. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008.ISBN (10) 1-84718-843-5, ISBN (13) 97818847188434 (393 p.)
- Ágnes Pethő (ed.): Film. Kép. Nyelv. [Film. Image.Language] Cluj-Napoca, Scientia Publishing House, 2007. ISBN 978-973-7953-67-4 (463 p.)
- Ágnes Pethő (ed.): Köztes képek. A filmelbeszélés színterei. [Images In-Between. Scenes of Filmic Narration] Cluj-Napoca, Scientia Publishing House, 2003. ISBN 973-85985-8-3 (425 p.)
- Ágnes Pethő (ed.): Képátvitelek. Tanulmányok az intermedialitás tárgyköréből. Kolozsvár, [Image Transfers. Studies in Intermediality] Cluj-Napoca, Scientia Publishing House, 2002. ISBN 973-85422-1-9 (400 p.)
Editing scientific publications:
- Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, main editorial board, member
- Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Film and Media Studies (ISSN 2065-5924), executive editor
Essays and articles (selection):
- The Uncanniness of Intermediality. Joanna Hogg’s Eerily Self-Reflexive Cinema. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies 2023. vol. 24: 39-79. DOI: 10.2478/ausfm-2023-0013
- Ágnes Pethő: Tacita Dean's Affective Intermediality: Precarious Visions in-between the Visual Arts, Cinema, and the Gallery Film. Arts 2023 Volume 12, Issue 4, 168. Special Issue "A Comparative Study of Media in Contemporary Visual Art" edited by Helen Westgeest. https://doi.org/10.3390/arts12040168
- The Exquisite Corpse of History. Radu Jude and the Intermedial Collage. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies, 2022. vol. 21: 36-100. DOI: 10.2478/ausfm-2022-0003.
- The Photo-filmic and the Post-human: Picturesque Landscapes at the Peripheries of Global Cinema. In: Cinematic Intermediality. Theory and Practice, edited by Kim Knowles and Marion Schmid, Edinburgh University Press, 2021: 38-52.
- Intermedialidade no cinema: uma historiografia das metodologias. In: Poe, psicanálise e cinema: artigos traduzidos. (trad.Helciclever Barros da Silva Sales). Sao Paulo, Pimenta Cultural, 2020: 17-70.
- The Photo-Filmic Diorama. In: Theorizing Film Through Contemporary Art: Expanding Cinema. Edited by Jill Murphy and Laura Rascaroli, Amsterdam University Press, 2020: 175-195.
- The Art of In-Betweenness in Contemporary Eastern European Cinema. Introduction to Caught In-Between. Intermediality in Contemporary Eastern European and Russian Cinema, Edinburgh University Press, (Edinburgh Studies in Film and Intermediality), 2020: 1-27.
- Sculpture and Affect in Cinema's Expanded Field. From Aleksey Gherman's Hard to be a God to Aleksey Gherman Jr's Under Electric Clouds. In: Caught In-Between. Intermediality in Contemporary Eastern European and Russian Cinema, Edinburgh University Press, (Edinburgh Studies in Film and Intermediality), 2020: 65-91.
- 'Exhibited Space' and Intermediality in the Films of Corneliu Porumboiu. In: The New Romanian Cinema, edited by Christina Stojanova, Edinburgh University Press, 2019: 65-80.
- Sieranevada, avagy a köztesség művészete [Sieranevada or the art of in-betweenness] Korunk, 2019. 6: 51-60.
- Ágnes Pethő: Approaches to Studying Intermediality in Contemporary Cinema. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Film and Media Studies, 2018. Vol. 15: 165-187. Indexed in: Web of Science: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), ERIH Plus (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences), CEEOL, FIAF - International Index to Film Periodicals, NSD, etc.
- Ágnes Pethő: AN ARCHAEOLOGY OF INTERMEDIALITY STUDIES (Three interviews with scholars who defined the field), SPECIAL DOSSIER in Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Film and Media Studies, 2018. Vol. 15: 189-246. Indexed in: Web of Science: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), ERIH Plus (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences), CEEOL, FIAF - International Index to Film Periodicals, NSD, etc.
- Introduction: Three Interviews with Scholars Who Defined the Field. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae:Film and Media Studies, 2018. Vol. 15: 189.
- - "A Good Concept Should Be Both Very Concrete and Very Abstract." Interview with Lars Elleström.Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Film and Media Studies, 2018. Vol. 15: 191-210.
- - "The Use of Other Media within Film as a Passage to Material Reality." Interview with Lúcia Nagib. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Film and Media Studies, 2018. Vol. 15: 211-228.
- - "Film Studies Always Need the Wider Approach of Intermediality." Interview with Joachim Paech.Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Film and Media Studies, 2018. Vol. 15: 229-246..
- Ágnes Pethő: ‘The ‘Chemistry' of Art(ifice) and Life: Embodied Paintings in East European Cinema,' in: Ewa Mazierska, Matilda Mroz, Elzbieta Ostrowska (eds.): The Cinematic Bodies of Eastern Europe and Russia: Between Pain and Pleasure, Edinburgh University Press, 2016: 239-257.
- The Image, Alone: Photography, Painting and the Tableau Aesthetic in Post-Cinema. Cinéma & Cie. Film Studies Journal, vol. XV. No. 25, Fall 2015: 97-115.
- Figurations of the Photofilmic: Stillness versus Motion ‒ Stillness in Motion, in The Photofilmic. Entangled Images in Contemporary Art and Visual Culture edited by Brianne Cohen, Alexander Streitberger, Leuven University Press, Lieven Gevaert Series, 2016: 221-243.
- Between Absorption, Abstraction and Exhibition: Inflections of the Cinematic Tableau in the Films of Corneliu Porumboiu, Roy Andersson and Joanna Hogg. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies, 11 (2015) 39-76.
- Contextualising Contemporary Romanian Cinema (book review of: Contemporary Romanian Cinema. The History of an Unexpected Miracle, by Dominique Nasta, 2013, Romanian New Wave Cinema. An Introduction, by Doru Pop, 2014), Studies in Eastern European Cinema, 2015, vol. 6. issue 2: 1-5.
- "Housing" a Deleuzian "Sensation:" Notes on the Post-Cinematic Tableaux Vivants of Lech Majewski, Sharunas Bartas and Ihor Podolchak. In: In: Ágnes Pethő (ed.): The Cinema of Sensations. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2015: 155-185.
- Introduction: Possible Questions in "Sensuous" Film Studies. In: Ágnes Pethő (ed.): The Cinema of Sensations. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2015: 1-15.
- The Tableau Vivant as a "Figure of Return" in Contemporary East European Cinema. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Film and Media Studies, Vol. 9, 2014: 51-77.
- Ágnes Pethő: The Garden of Intermedial Delights: Cinematic ‘Adaptations' of Bosch, from Modernism to the Postmedia Age, Screen, (Winter 2014) 55 (4): 471-489. (http://screen.oxfordjournals.org/content/55/4/471.full.pdf?keytype=ref&ijkey=PzIIpJglRZ5eyqf)
- Spellbound by Images. The Allure of Painting in the Cinema of Alfred Hitchcock. Passepartout, Danish Journal for Art History, 34 (fall 2013): 189‒216.
- The Vertigo of the Single Image: From the Classic Narrative "Glitch" to the Post-Cinematic Adaptations of Paintings. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies, 6 (2013) 65−90.
- „À la Godard" a poszt-média korban, avagy a fotografikus-filmszerű kép a mozin innen és túl. In: Pentelényi László (szerk.) JLG/JLG - Jean-Luc Godard dicsérete, avagy a filmművészet önfelszámolása, Budapest: Francia Új Hullám Kiadó, 2012:347-384.
- A kinematográfia passiója Jean-Luc Godard A film története(i) című művében. In: Pentelényi László (szerk.) JLG/JLG - Jean-Luc Godard dicsérete, avagy a filmművészet önfelszámolása, Budapest: Francia Új Hullám Kiadó, 2012:308-326.
- "Tensional Differences": The Anxiety of Re-Mediation in Jean-Luc Godard's New Wave Films. Vertigo Magazine, Issue 30, Spring 2012: Godard Is.
- The Post-Media Life of Film. In: Ágnes Pethő (ed.): Film in the Post-Media Age. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012: 1-17.
- Jean-Luc Godard's Passages from the Photo-Graphic to the Post-Cinematic. Images in between Intermediality and Convergence. In: Ágnes Pethő (ed.): Film in the Post-Media Age. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012: 81-125.The essay was first published in Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies, 4 (2011) 23-61.
- Az intermedialitás érzéki, szinesztétikus kapu a filmképben. In: Fazakas Emese, Fóris-Ferenczi Rita (eds.): "Ezernyi fűszál zeng tücsökzenét". Köszöntő kötet P. Dombi Erzsébet tiszteletére. Editura Egyetemi Műhely, Asociaţia Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, 2012: 229-243.
- Jean-Luc Godard's Passages from the Photo-Graphic to the Post-Cinematic. Images in between Intermediality and Convergence. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies, 4 (2011) 23-61.
- Intermediality as Metalepsis in the "Cinécriture" of Agnes Varda. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae. Film and Media Studies, 2010 Vol.3. 69-94.
- Intermediality in Film: A Historiography of Methodologies. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae. Film and Media Studies, 2010 Vol.2. 39-72.
- Media in the Cinematic Imagination: Ekphrasis and the Poetics of the In-Between in Jean-Luc Godard's Cinema. In: Lars Elleström (ed): Media Borders, Multimodality and Intermediality. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, Hampshire, England, 2009. 211-225. ISBN: 9780230238602. A substantially enlarged, revised version was published with the title: Ekphrasis and Jean-Luc Godard's Poetics of the In-Between, in the volume Cinema and Intermediality. The Passion for the In-Between, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011. 293-315.
- (Re)Mediating the Real. Paradoxes of an Intermedial Cinema of Immediacy. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae. Film and Media Studies, 2009 Vol.1.47-69.
- Deconstructing Cinema as a Narrative Medium in Jean-Luc Godard's Histoire(s) du cinema. In: István Berszán (ed.): Orientation int he Occurence, Cluj-Napoca, Komp-Press, 2009. 317-331. A revised, longer version published with the title: Post-Cinema as Pre-Cinema and Media Archaeology in Jean-Luc Godard's Histoire(s) du cinéma, in the volume Cinema and Intermediality. The Passion for the In-Between, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011. 317-338.
- A kinematográfia passiója. A mozi narratív médiumának dekonstrukciója Jean-Luc Godard A film története(i) című művében. Kalligram, 2009. március. 76-84.
- The Screen is a Blank Page: Jean-Luc Godard's Word and Image Plays. In: Ágnes Pethő (ed.): Words and Images on the Screen. Language, Literature, Moving Pictures. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008. 159-187. A rewritten, longer version published with the title: From the "Blank Page" to the "White Beach:" Word and Image Plays in Jean-Luc Godard's Cinema – in Cinema and Intermediality. The Passion for the In-Between c. kötetben, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011. 265-291.
- Words and Images in the Context of Moving Pictures. Introduction. In: Ágnes Pethő (ed.): Words and Images on the Screen. Language, Literature, Moving Pictures. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008: 1-16.
- Képek bűvöletében. Adalékok mozgókép és festészet kapcsolatának értelmezéséhez Alfred Hitchcock filmjeiben. In: Ágnes Pethő (ed.): Film. Kép. Nyelv. Kolozsvár, Scientia Kiadó, 2007. 139-199.
- Médium és egyidejűség. Előszó. In: Ágnes Pethő (ed.): Film. Kép. Nyelv. Kolozsvár, Scientia Kiadó, 2007. 11-18.
- A mozaiktól a muzikalitásig. Paradigmaváltás Jean-Luc Godard filmjeiben. In: László Tarnay (ed.) Film, filozófia, tudomány. A X. Laterna Filmakadémia előadásai, Passim 2005.146-164.
- Chaos, Allegory, Intermediality. The Cinema of Mircea Daneliuc. In: Aniko Imre (ed): East European Cinemas. New York-London, Routledge, 2005. 165-179.
- Las figuras reflexivas de la intermedialidad en la pelicula. El cine en el espejo de las artes/las artes en espejo del cine Signa (Spain), 2003. 12. 183-207.
- A „fehér lap"-tól a „fehér part"-ig. Szavak és képek közé íródó alakzatok Jean-Luc Godard mozijában. In: Pethő Ágnes (szerk.): Köztes képek. A filmelbeszélés színterei. Kolozsvár, Scientia Kiadó, 2003. 135-180.
- A filmkép mint viszonyfogalom és köztes tér. Előszó. In: Ágnes Pethő (ed.): Köztes képek. A filmelbeszélés színterei. Kolozsvár, Scientia Kiadó, 2003. 7-11.
- Szövegek a médiumok „között." In: Ágnes Pethő (ed.): Képátvitelek. Tanulmányok az intermedialitás tárgyköréből. Kolozsvár, Scientia Kiadó, 2002. 7-17.
- A mozgókép intermedialitása. A köztes-lét metaforái. In: Ágnes Pethő (ed.): Képátvitelek. Tanulmányok az intermedialitás tárgyköréből. Kolozsvár, Scientia Kiadó, 2002.17-61.
- Válogatott bibliográfia irodalom és film médium- és művészetközi kapcsolatainak kérdéseiről. In: Ágnes Pethő (ed.): Képátvitelek. Tanulmányok az intermedialitás tárgyköréből. Kolozsvár, Scientia Kiadó, 2002. 343-375.
- Az önreflexió után: a történet előtt, a képek között, a szavak mögött (Jean-Luc Godard A szerelem dicsérete) Filmtett, 2002. szeptember (7./24.). 40-45.
- Film a tükörben. Korunk. 2002. 122-130.
- A filmvászon fölülírásai. Nyelv és Irodalomtudományi Közlemények. 2001. 1-2. 3-29.
- A festészet filmszerződése. Filmtett. 2001. 9. 8-20.
- Videoklip lábjegyzettel. A híradó mint térkép és tapéta. Filmtett. 2001. 1. 5-9.
- Modelling Time and Space in Intertextual Cinema. (Some Aspects of Mircea Daneliuc's Glissando). In: Jeff Bernard-Peter Grzybek-Gloria Withalm (Hsg.): Modellierungen von Geschichte und Kultur/ Modelling History and Culture. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium of the Austrian Association for Semiotics and Institute for Semiotics, University of Graz, November 22-24, 1996, Wien. ÖGS. Vol. II. Signs, Texts, Identities, Ch. Film and Photography. 2000. 947-959.
- Ekphraszisz a filmvásznon. Jean-Luc Godard és Peter Greenaway fény-képei. Lk.k.t. 2000. 1. 36-42.
- A köztes-lét alakzatai, avagy a filmművészet ön(f)elszámolása. Prae, 2000. december. 17-29.
20-21 Oct. 2023. Affective Intermediality Conference. Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Cluj-Napoca (Romania). Title of the presentation: "Molecular" Intermediality. Tacita Dean's Precarious Visions in-between the Visual Arts, Cinema and the Gallery Film
13-17 June 2023. NECS (European Network for Cinema and Media Studies) Conference: Care. Oslo (Norvégia). Title of the presentation: Between Empathy and Aesthetic Distance: Picturing Love and Loss in Joanna Hogg's Souvenir Films and The Eternal Daughter.
20-21 October 2022. Uncanny Intermediality International Workshop. Universitatea Sapientia - Centrul de Cercetări în Intermedialitatea Cinematografică și Cultura Vizuală, Cluj-Napoca (România). Title of the presentation: The Uncanniness of Intermediality.
- 1-3 September 2022. 6th International Society for Intermedial Studies Conference. In Between and Across: New Directions, Mappings and Contact Zones. Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin (Irlanda). Title of the presentation: Towards an Affective Turn in Intermediality Studies.
- 22-26. iunie 2022. The NECS (European Network for Cinema and Media Studies) Conference. Epistemic Media: Atlas, Archive, Network. București (România). Title of the presentation: Intermediality, Affect and Performativity in the Collage Films of Radu Jude.
- 16-17 June 2022. Studies in Eastern European Cinemas Conference: Eastern European Screen- and Other Media, organized by the journal Studies in Eastern European Cinema and the University of Central Lancashire. Keynote speaker: The Past is a Ready-Made? Rethinking Collage Effect, Affect and Intermediality in the Films of Radu Jude and Sergei Loznitsa.
- 1-3. July 2021. Conference of the ICLA Research Committee on Literatures/Arts/Media (CLAM), University of L’Aquila, Italia: Transcodification: Literatures Arts Media. Keynote speaker. Title of the presentation: From Crossing Media Borders to Rethinking In-Betweenness. Shifting Vantage Points in the Interpretation of Cinematic Intermediality.
- 28 mai, 4 June, 2021. Studies in Eastern European Cinema: Eastern European Film and Screen Media. Title of the presentation: The Exquisite Corpse of History. Radu Jude and the Intermedial Collage.
2019. 8-9 November, Budapest, ‛A film(tudomány) hálózatai.’ Magyar Filmtudományi Társaság konferenciája, PPKE. Title of the presentation: Intermedialitás a filmművészetben. Elméleti megközelítések, kutatási irányok (Intermedialitaty in Film. Theoretical Approaches and Research Axes).
- 2019. 25-26 October. THE PICTURESQUE: VISUAL PLEASURE AND INTERMEDIALITY IN-BETWEEN CONTEMPORARY CINEMA, ART AND DIGITAL CULTURE, Sapientia EMTE, Kolozsvár. Title of the presentation: Cinema in Watercolour. Joanna Hogg: The Souvenir (2019)
- 2019. 18-19 October. ‛Research Methods in Film Studies: Challenges and Opportunities’, Ghent (Belgia). ECREA Film Studies Section in co-operation with DICIS (Digital Cinema Studies network), the Research Center for Visual Poetics at the University of Antwerp, the Centre for Cinema and Media Studies at Ghent University, the Visual and Digital Cultures Research Center at the University of Antwerp. Title of the presentation: Schools of Intermediality? Overlapping Paradigms and Divergent Perspectives.
- 2019. 26-27 April. Köztes terek / Spaţii intermediare / Spaces In-Between International Conference. , Miercurea-Ciuc, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania. Papers presented in English (as a keynote speaker): Theorizing Intermediality: from Crossing Borders to Being In-Between
- 2018. 18-20. October. INTERMEDIALITY NOW: REMAPPING IN-BETWEENNESS, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Cluj-Napoca: The Photo-Filmic Diorama.
- 2018. 26-29 June. NECS Conference, Amsterdam:'Media Tactics and Engagement'. Title of the presentation: The Politics of the Picturesque. The Photofilmic and the Posthuman
- 2017. 6-8.November. Reading University (UK), II IntermIdia Conference, The Moving Form of Film: Exploring Intermediality as a Historiographic Method, plenary speaker (title of the presentation: The Double Helix of Intermediality)
- 2017. 28-30 September. ‘Contact Zones. Transnational Encounters, Dialogues and Self-Representation in Contemporary Eastern European Literature, Cinema and Visual Cultures', Budapest, Eötvös Loránd University, (keynote speaker): Changing Strategies of In-Betweenness. Intermediality in Contemporary Eastern European Cinema
- 2017. 29 June - 1 July, NECS Conference, Paris: ‘Sensibility & the Senses, Media, Bodies, Practices', title of the presentation: Sculpture and Affect in Cinema's Expanded Field. From Aleksey Gherman's Hard to be a God (2013) to Aleksey Gherman Jr.'s Under Electric Clouds (2015).
- 2016. 6-8 July. Edinburgh University (UK), Film-Philosophy Conference. Title of the presentation: Moving Images Posing as Pictures: Rethinking the Intermediality of the Cinematic Tableau.
- 2015. 23-24 October. Cluj-Napoca, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania: international film and media studies conference with the title: "The Real and the Intermedial." Title of the presentation: The Image, Alone: Photography, Painting and the Tableau Aesthetic in Post-Cinema.
- 2016. 30 September. Cambridge, Corpus Christi College. AHRC Research Network, Film and the Other Arts workshop: "Film, a Plastic Art". Keynote speaker. Title of the presentation: Inflecting the Photo-Filmic, Incorporating the Arts: The Tableau Aesthetic in Post-Cinema.
- 2016. 6-8 July. Edinburgh University (UK), Film-Philosophy Conference. Title of the presentation: Moving Images Posing as Pictures: Rethinking the Intermediality of the Cinematic Tableau.
- 2016. 30-31 May. Intermediality in Contemporary Central and East European Cinema, international workshop, Sapientia University. Title of the presentation: Post-Media Figurations of Intermediality and the Affects of the Picturesque.
- 2016. 13. April, Reading University (UK), Department of Film, Theatre & Television, Centre for Film Aesthetics and Cultures, keynote speech at the workshop entitled ‘Understanding Intermediality.' Title of the presentation: Understanding Intermediality in Contemporary Cinema: Changing Shapes of In-Betweenness.
- 2015. 23-24 October. Cluj-Napoca, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania: international film and media studies conference with the title: "The Real and the Intermedial." Title of the presentation: The Image, Alone: Photography, Painting and the Tableau Aesthetic in Post-Cinema.
- 2015. 20-22 July. Film-Philosophy Conference, "The Evaluation of Form" organizată la St. Ann's College, Oxford, Title of the presentation: Between Absorption and Theatricality: New Inflections of the Cinematic Tableau.
- 2015. 16-18 April. Play, Perform, Participate, Conference of the International Society for Intermedial Studies, University of Utrecht (Utrecht, The Netherlands). Title of the presentation: Exhibiting the Real: The Performative Space of the Cinematic Tableau.
- 2015. 25-29 March: Society For Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) Annual Conference, Montréal (Canada). Title of the presentation: "Exhibited Space" and Intermediality in the Films of Corneliu Porumboiu.
- 2014. 24-25 October, Cluj-Napoca, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania: international film and media studies conference with the title "Figurations of Intermediality in Film." Title of the presentation: Becoming an Image. Theorizing the Tableau Vivant in Contemporary East European Cinema
- 2014. 19-21 June, Milano (Italy). NECS (European Network for Cinema and Media Studies) Conference: "Creative Energies, Creative Industries" organized by Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milan and The University of Udine. Title of the presentation: Rethinking the Notion of the "Photo-Filmic" in Contemporary/Post-Media Cinema
- 2014.March 12-15. Brussels, Belgium.Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), KU Leuven, Lieven Gevaert Research Centre for Photography (LGC), Wiels, Contemporary Art Centre, Brussels: "Photofilmic Images in Contemporary Art and Visual Culture." Title of the presentation: Figurations of the Photo-Filmic? Stillness Versus Motion ‒ Stillness in Motion
- 2014. February 5-9 . Atlanta, USA. Moving Image Studies, Georgia State University: "Rendering (the) Visible II: Figure". Title of the presentation: "Give Me an Image, Then!": Cinematic Pictorialism In-between the "Figural" and ‘Figuration"
- 2013. December 5-7. Strasbourg, France. Second International Meeting on Narratology and the Arts, "Art as Text. Narratological, Semiotic and Transmedial Approaches,"/ 2e rencontre internationale «Narratologie et les Arts» «L'art comme texte. Approches narratologiques, sémiotiques et trans-médiatiques». Title of the presentation: Moving Images in-between Stillness and Motion, "Sensation" and Narrativity
- 2013. October 24-26. Cluj-Napoca, Romania, ISIS Conference "Rethinking Intermediality in the Digital Age." Title of the presentation: The "Sensation of Intermediality" and the Tableau Vivant as a Post-Cinematic Image
- 2013. 10-12 July. Amsterdam, Netherlands. "Film-Philosphy Conference." Title of the presentation: The Tableau Vivant In-Between Cinema and New Media Art.
- 2013. 21-22 June. Greenwich, UK. "The Body in East European and Russian Cinema" Conference. Title of the presentation: The “Chemistry” of Art(ifice) and Life: Embodied Paintings in East European Cinema.
- 2012. 7-8 December, Paris, France, "Narratology in the Arts: Art as Text. Narratological, Semiotic and Transmedial Approaches". Title of the presentation: Narrativity and Intermediality in Film.
- 2012. 21-23 June. Lisabon, Portugal, NECS International Conference: "Time Networks: Screen Media and Memory". Title of the presentation: Haunting Pictoriality: Sensuous Folds of the Tableau Vivant in Lech Majewski's Cinema
- 2012. 7-9 June. Szeged, Hungary. Conference on Sensation, Perception, Mediation. Title of the presentation: Cinema and the Phenomenology of “Becoming” Intermedial.
- 2012. 25-27 May. Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Universitatea Sapientia: XIV. International Film and Media Studies Conference in Transylvania: "The Cinema of Sensations". Title of the presentation: The Garden of Intermedial Delights.
- 2011. 26-28 October, Trondheim, Norway, NorSIS (Nordic Society for Interart Studies) international conference : "Media Acts." Title of the presentation: Touching Images. The Perfomative Value of the Haptical and the Phenomenology of Cinematic Intermediality.
- 2011. 22-27 August. Cluj-Napoca, Romania: International Congress of Hungarology. Title of the presentation: Intermediality in Film? Assessment of a Research Paradigm and its Relevance to Eastern European Cinema.
- 2011. 23-26 June, London, UK: International NECS conference "Sonic Futures: Soundscapes and the Languages of Screen Media." Title of the presentation: Intermediality as Polyphony: "Waves" of Words, Images and Sounds in Jean-Luc Godard's Cinema.
- 2010. 10-12 December, Pécs, Hungary: XII. Laterna Film Academy: Images Moving across the Arts and Disciplines. Invited keynote speaker. Title of the presentation: Reality as a Media Maze. Sensual and Structural Gateways of Intermediality in Cinema.
- 2010. 22-23 October, Cluj-Napoca, Sapientia University: XIII. International Film and Media Studies Conference in Transylvania: Film in the Post-Media Age. Title of the presentation: Folding the Post-Cinematic Image.
- 2010. 24-27 June. Istanbul, Turkey: NECS Conference "Urban Mediations." Title of the presentation: The City as a Media Maze: Urban Images of Flânerie and Intermedial Metalepsis in Cinema.
- 2009. 23-24 October, Cluj-Napoca, Sapientia University: XII. International Film and Media Studies Conference in Transylvania: New Waves. Title of the presentation: Immediacy and Intermediality In The "Cinécriture" of Agnès Varda
- 2009. 25-28 June. Lund, Sweden: NECS Conference "Locating Media." Title of the presentation: Cinema of the Street: Photographic Flânerie and Intermediality in the Films of José Luis Guerín
- 2009. 12-14 June. Amsterdam, Holland, co-organizer and keynote speaker at the European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop on "Intermedialities: Theory, History, Practice." Title of the presentation: Intermediality in Film: a Historiography of Methodologies.
- 2008. 17-18 October. Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, International Conference "Orientation in the Occurrence." Interdisciplinary Approach to Complex Cultural Processes. Title of the presentation: Deconstructing Cinema as a Narrative Medium in Jean-Luc Godard's Histoire(s) du cinéma (1988-1998)
- 2008. 26-28 September. Sapientia University, Cluj- Napoca, International Film and Media Studies Conference in Transylvania: Reality or Fiction?/Valóság vagy fikció? Title of the presentation: (Re)Mediating the Real
- 2007. 25-28 October. Växjö University, Svédország: Imagine Media. Media Borders and Intermediality. Title of the presentation: The Poetics of the In-Between. Ekphrasis, Re-mediation, Intermediality in Jean-Luc Godard's Cinema
- 2007. 3-6 July. Utrecht University, Hollandia: Re-Mediating Literature. Title of the presentation: The Screen is a Blank Page. Cinematic Models for Remediating Literature
- 2007. 25-26 May. Sapientia University, Cluj-Napoca: International Film and Media Studies Conference in Transylvania/Nemzetközi Film- és Médiatudományi Konferencia Erdélyben: Words and Images. Language, Literature, Moving Images/Szavak és képek. Nyelv, irodalom, mozgókép. Title of the presentation: Poetry Shot in the Back. Jean-Luc Godard's Word (and Image) Plays
- 2005. 24-25 May. Sapientia University, Cluj-Napoca: International Film and Media Studies Conference in Transylvania/Nemzetközi Film- és Médiatudományi Konferencia Erdélyben: Chances of film as Art/A filmművészet esélyei. Title of the presentation: The Art of Oblivion in Jean-Luc Godard's New Wave Films.
- 2005. 20-21 May. University of Pécs: XI. Laterna Film Academy. Image, Sound, Emotion: Commentaries on Sh. Rogers's, D. Chiappe's and J.Kennedy's researches.
- 2005. 25-28. April, University of Szeged: Image/Text/Multimedia. Representation in a Multimedial Age. Workshop: Michelangelo Antonioni: Napfogyatkozás. A festőiség és a semmi a modern filmben.
Conferences organized
Teaching activity abroad (invitations for guest lectures, workshops, courses):
- 21.11. 2022. Ágnes Pethő delivered two guest lectures at the invitation of the Department of Cultural Values, Archaeology, History, Art, Film and Music at the University of Padua, Italy.
The titles of the guest lectures were: Intermediality in Contemporary Cinema: Passages between Art and Life, Intermediality in Pedro Almodóvar's The Human Voice. - 12.10. 2022. At the invitation of the Doctoral School of the University of Art and Design Moholy-Nagy, Ágnes Pethő gave a guest lecture with the title: Intermedialitás a filmművészetben. A köztesség nézőpontjainak változásai (Intermediality in the Art of Cinema. Changes in the Viewpoints of In-betweenness).
- 8-10. 05. 2018. Gdansk University, Erasmus+ visiting professor: o serie de prelegeri cu titlul “Cinema and Intermediality. Theory and Typology.”
- 2014. 12. 02. Centre de Recherches sur les Arts et le Langage (CRAL) et L'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS ), Paris, title of the lecture:The Tableau Vivant in Contemporary Cinema: Between Narrativity and Intermediality.
- 2014, 09. 18. Stockholm University, Department of Literature and History of Ideas, Sweden. Title of the guest lecture: Becoming an Image. Theorizing the Tableau Vivant in Contemporary Cinema
- 2014, 09. 17. Linnaeus University, Vaxjö, Sweden. Title of the guest lecture: Theorizing the Tableau Vivant in Contemporary (East European) Cinema
- 2012, 06. 22: invited by the University of Lisbon, Centre for Comparative Studies (Centro de Estudos Comparatistas). Title of the lecture: Jean-Luc Godard and Cinema's Intimacy with Words and Literature.
- 2012, 02. 17: invited by the PhD School of the University of Pécs, Hungary for a workshop on Sensual and Structural Gateways of Intermediality in Film.
- 2010-2011, spring semester Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary - invited for two full time courses (Reflexivity in Film; Jean-Luc Godard and the Poetics of Intermediality).
- 2009, 11. 06: Amsterdam - Vrije Universiteit (The Netherlands): invited for a guest lecture for MA students with the title: Intermediality: Theory, History, Practice.
- 2005, fall semester: University of Pécs (Hungary): course on The Art of Jean-Luc Godard.
- 2005, 04. 25-28. University of Szeged (Hungary) workshop: Image/Text/Multimedia. Representation in a Multimedial Age: Pictoriality and Nothingness in Modern Cinema
- 2004, April: University of Pécs (Hungary) invited by the Kerényi Károly Scientific College for a lecture on Intermediality and Self-Reflexivity in Film based on her book: Múzsák tükre [Mirror of the Muses] Miercurea-Ciuc, Pro-Print, 2003.
Research projects, scholarships
- 2022-2024: Affective Intermediality. Cinema between Media, Sensation and Reality. Exploratory Research Project supported by a grant of the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, CNCS - UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-1297, within PNCDI III. Project director.
- 2017-2019: Rethinking Intermediality in Contemporary Cinema: Changing Forms of In-Betweenness, Exploratory Research Project, Code: PN-III-ID-PCE-2016-0418, funded by the UEFISCDI (Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation). Project director.
- 2013 Oct. - 2016. Oct. CNCS-UEFISCDI, exploratory research program IDEI with the title: Re-mediated Images as Figurations of Intermediality and Post-Mediality in Central and East European Cinema, code: PN-II-ID-PCE-2012-4-0573. Project director.
- 2011.Jan.- May. Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest: within the program ‘For Knowledge on an European Scale' financed by the European Union and co-financed by the European Social Fund (code: TAMOP 4.2.1/B-09/1/KMR-2010-0003) elaboration of two courses for the MA program of the ELTE university Budapest (Jean-Luc Godard and the poetics of intermediality in film, Reflexivity in film)
- 2011-12. European Virtual Academy. European Union, Lifelong Learning Program. Elaboration of a bilingual electronic course (Reflexivity in Film / Reflexivitás a filmben).
- 2011-14. Sapientia Foundation, Institute for Research Programs, group research project: Film, reprezentation and regionalism in the post-media era. Project director.
- European Science Foundation (ESF) (EW08-219 SCH) scholarship for an "expert meeting," an Exploratory Workshop on Intermedialities: Theory, History, Practice held in Amsterdam, June 4-6. 2009. Organizer: dr. Ivo Blom (Amsterdam), co-organizers: Francesco Casetti (Milano), Ágnes Pethő (Cluj-Napoca), Jens Schroeter (Siegen), Antonio Somaini (Milano), Yvonne Spielmann (Ayr, Scotland), Ginette Verstraete (Amsterdam).
- 2008 Dec.-2009. September: Sapientia Foundation, Institute for Research Programs, head of a research team. Research theme: Remediation in the cinema.
- 2006 Oct.-2008 July. Sapientia Foundation, Institute for Research Programs, head of a research team. Research: Jean-Luc Godard and the mediality of modern cinema.
- 2004 Oct.-2006. July. Sapientia Foundation, Institute for Research Programs, head of a research team. Research: The changes in the synchronic structures of cinema (image, text and sound)
- 2001 Oct.-2003.July. Sapientia Foundation, Institute for Research Programs, head of a research team. Research: Contexts of moving images, intermediality and inter-art relationships in the cinema.
- 2001 Febr.-Aug. Sapientia Foundation, Institute for Research Programs, head of a research team. Research: Image and text relationships. Dialogue of arts and forms of communications.