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10th Transylvanian Students' Scientific Conference
29/05/2007 09:04 PM
Film Studies Session
Cluj Napoca, 26-27.05.2007.
Organizers: Babeş-Bolyai University (UBB), Hungarian University Federation Cluj Napoca, Hungarian Student Union from Kolozsvár (HSUC)
Venue: Sapientia University, str. Matei Corvin, nr. 4.
Members of the jury:
dr. Ágnes Pethő associate professor, Sapientia University, Department of Photography, Film and Media, UBB, Faculty of Letters, Department of Hungarian Language and General Linguistics
drd. Zoltán Gregus assistant prof., UBB, Philosophy Department
drd. Melinda Blos-Jáni teaching assistant, Sapientia University, Department of Photography, Film and Media, UBB, Faculty of Letters, Department of Hungarian Ethnography and Anthropology
drd. Buzogány Klára teaching assistant, UBB, Department of Journalism; editor of the Filmtett film journal
- 1st prize: Ferencz Orsolya (Sapientia University, Department of Photography, Film and Media): A film mint médium - a felvevőgép és a vetítővászon között . Történet és látvány(osság) - Buster Keaton: Sherlock Jr. (1924) és Dziga Vertov: Ember a felvevőgéppel (1929) [The medium of the filmul between the camera and the screen. Narrative and visual attraction in Buster Keaton's Sherlock Holmes Jr. (1924) and Dziga Vertov's Man with the Movie Camera (1929)]
- 1st prize.: Makai Beáta (Sapientia University, Department of Photography, Film and Media): A vágy tárgya a reprezentáció terében. Térábrázolás Michelangelo Antonioni Az éjszaka (1961) című művében [The object of desire in the space of the representation. The filmic space M. Antonioni's La Notte (1961)]
- 3rd prize.: Mike Ágnes (UBB, Facultaty of Letters): Médiumok forgataga az "élet forgatagában" (Az intermedialitás szerepe F. Truffaut Jules és Jim és J. P. Jeunet Amélie csodálatos élete című filmekben) [The functions of the intermediality in Fr. Truffaut's Jules şi Jim and J.P. Jeunet's Amélie]
- mention: Csont Zsombor (Sapientia University, Department of Photography, Film and Media): Nem történik semmi=nincs történet(?) [Nothing's happening=there is no story(?)]