Sapientia University, Department of Film, Photography and Media
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Students's Scientific Session 2018
12/10/2018 10:47 AM

A great number of participant students from other higher education institutions too and a nice number of prizes: this is a shory description of the event, which took place between 25-26 April 2018 in our Calea Turzii building.


For the first time in the history of Students' Scientific Conferences we organized sections for creative work: thus besides the presentation of theoretical works on film/media, students had the chance to showcase their films, theatre work and photographs. The four sections in arts were lead by specialist juries with invited members from outside our faculty. The film and theatre section had as invited guests Hungarian actress/scriptwriter/producer Orsolya Török-Illyés and film/theatre director Szabolcs Hajdu, who opened the event with a memorable masterclass.

Students from our department were awarded the following prizes:

Film and Theatre section
Tóthpál Béla (supervising teacher: Lakatos Róbert ), 1st prize, nominated for OTDK 2019 (Hungarian Students' Scientific Conference, Hungary)
Frunza Roland (supervising teacher: Felméri Cecília ), 2nd prize
Patrubány Csilla (supervising teacher: Virginás Andrea ), mention
Szabó Norbert Zsolt (supervising teacher: Lakatos Róbert) mention.

Art theory section
Ferencz Zsófia (supervising teacher: Pethő Ágnes), 1st prize, nominated for OTDK 2019
Farkas Boglárka Angéla (supervising teacher: Virginás Andrea), 2nd prize, nominated for OTDK 2019
Incze Romhilda-Barbara (supervising teacher: Pethő Ágnes), 3rd prize, nominated for OTDK 2019
Víg Zsombor (supervising teacher: Virginás Andrea), 3rd prize, nominated for OTDK
Patrubány Csilla (supervising teacher: Virginás Andrea) mention, nominated for OTDK.

Photography section
Ilyés Zalán (supervising teacher: Mira Marincas), 1st prize, nominated for OTDK 2019
Ferencz Zsófia (supervising teacher: Mira Marincas, Fazakas Áron), mention.

Congratulations to all the participants!

Photographs of the two-day event may be accessed on our faculty FB-page.

The event's department coordinator was dr. Andrea Virginás.




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