Sapientia University, Department of Film, Photography and Media
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Our student, Ábel Visky won the 1st prize for "Best Documentary Film" at the 5th edition of the "Muuuvi Fest" Short Film Festival.
04/08/2009 02:30 PM

At the 5th edition of the international short film festival entitled "Muuuvi Fest," organized at the Lăzarea Castle between 1-3 August 2009 the following films made by our students were selected for the competition programme:

László József: Own Goal
Kassay Réka
: Bedtime Story
Kürti István
: Enigma
Visky Ábel: We are the Champions

Visky Ábel's film won a new award after its successat the 2008 FFest Film Festival: forst prize in the category "Best Documentary."
The film can be seen here embedded in an interview  with the young filmmaker on the Transindex website. (In Hungarian.)


The mascot of the "Muuvi Fest"

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