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Prizes to our students at the 2019 edition of the Hungarian Students Scientific Sessions
27/04/2019 11:55 AM
A high-prestige institution of talent development, the XXXIV. edition of the National Scientific Sessions of Students (OTDK) in Hungary took place between 24.-26. April, 2019, in 16 different areas and organized by 16 different univeristies.
Our department was represented by two students: Tóthpál Béla (FCM, 3rd year) was awarded the 1st prize in the Cinema category (mentor: dr. Lakatos Róbert Árpád, the title of the film: Nem kötöm meg! / I don't tie it!), while Farkas Boglárka Angéla (FCM, 3rd year) was awarded 3rd prize in the Theory of Art category (mentor: dr. Virginás Andrea, title of paper: Harc az arccal, avagy Bette Davis és Gena Rowlands gesztusai a Mi történet Baby Jane-el? és a Premier c. filmekben/ Fighting the face, or the gestures of Bette Davis and Gena Rowlands in Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? and Premier).