Sapientia University, Department of Film, Photography and Media
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Success of the Sapientia students at the 7 Arts Film festival
05/10/2009 03:55 PM

Sámuel Visky won the grand prize at the festival!


The trophy of the 7 Arts Film Festival

At the XIth edition of the 7 Arts National  Film Festival in Călăraşi Sámuel Visky's film entitled Shoreless (Parttalan) won the grand prize, the 7 Arts trophy of the festival. (See photos from the film shoot here.)

The film directed by Csilla Patrubány Lullaby (Altató) received and honourable mention.

Full list of awards here.

On the web page Cluj Today Quality News (in Romanian) the news appears under the headlines:

The Cluj film school confirms its value at the 7 Arts Festival from Călăraşi (26 Sept. 2009.)

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