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Visky Sámuel won the grand prize at the Ffest Student Film Festival
03/12/2009 03:14 PM
The Student Film Festival Ffest was organized for the third time this year between November 27 and 29.
The festival was organized by the three universities from Cluj with departments of film and video, the Babeş-Bolyai University, The University of Art and Design and the Sapientia University.
This year our students won three important prizes:

VISKY SÁMUEL: won the grand prize of the Ffest festival for his film entitled Shoreless
BERTÓTI ATTILA: proved to be the best in the category of animated films with his animation Ariadne's Thread.
KATÓ ZSOLT: got a IIIrd prize for his film (La Petit mort) in the category of fiction films.
Congratulations for the new prizes that they got after their earlier successes!
During the festival there was also a photo exhibition of our third year student, MUNTEAN ADELA that could be seen in the lobby.
Congratulations for her individual achievement!