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Csoportos kutatás: CNCS-UEFISCDI-PCE IDEI kutatási program


Description of the research project:

Project code: PN-II-ID-PCE-2012-4-0573
Period: 09.2013-09.2016.

Contract nr. 65/2.09.2013.


The research project aims to combine Jay David Bolter and Richard Grusin’s ideas of “remediation” with state-of-the-art findings in the theory and analysis of intermediality and proposes to investigate figurations of cinematic intermediality involving re-mediation, i.e. images in cinema that are perceived in an in-betweenness of media, images derived from media other than film, and that are in one way or another perceivably re-mediated and/or re-contextualized within film. In this sense the research focuses on tableaux vivants and media collages as two particular ways in which the so called “sensual” and “structural” mode of intermediality can be manifest in cinema. Furthermore, the research is intended to examine these figurations within the context of a challenging, double in-betweenness: a) the cultural context of Central and East European Cinema that has come into the spotlight after the fall of the iron curtain, and that, despite its idiosyncrasies, has become increasingly more difficult to delimit not only from European but globalising trends in cinema, on the one hand, and b) the context of shifting paradigms in film poetics: from stylistic patterns of modern cinema towards what we may term as “post-media cinema.” The study of these figurations will concentrate on media theoretical, phenomenological, aesthetical points of view, and in certain cases, there will be a marked emphasis on ideological aspects.


The research project proposes to approach the problems of intermediality from the point of view of its figural aspects, both from a theoretical perspective and through complex, comparative analyses, case studies. The research will cover three comprehensive areas of investigation: 
1. The examination of the figurations of intermediality and post-mediality in film from a theoretical perspective. Our aim is to offer a clearer definition of the implied notions (e.g. intermediality, post-mediality, tableau vivant, ekphrasis, media collage, metalepsis, etc.) and a taxonomy of these figurations. 
2. Figurations of intermediality and post-mediality between the East and the West: the project proposes the elaboration of a series of in-depth case studies and comparative analyses which are motivated first of all by the increased integration of Central and Eastern European cinema into general European and globalizing trends in cinema and which can reveal the way the intermedial techniques of these prominent films relate to other known models and also, more importantly, how these films manage to communicate between the cultures of the East and the West, or blur the cultural boundaries between the East and the West. 
3. Figurations of intermediality and post-mediality as meditations upon history and time, cultural and personal identity as well as identity of the medium. A “regressive”, “archaic”, “animistic” type of intermediality of film can be outlined, film conceived as a medial archive in which the figurations “revitalize” photographic representation and earlier forms of moving images as imprints of its own history as well as forms of personal expression.

Estimated results:

Presentations on the project topic at prestigious international scientific conferences. 
Scientific papers containing results obtained in the course of realising proposed objectives.
Initiation of an international discussion regarding the project topic through: a large-scale international conference on rethinking intermediality in the digital age (in 2013), an international conference on figurations in film (in 2014) and a workshop (in 2015).
Dissemination of results online in order to provide the transparency of the project and posting a selection from the discussions of conferences in video format on the website. 
Final result: from the articles written in the three stages of the project as well as from a selection of studies resulting from the discussions of the topic at the organized conferences an English-language scientific volume will be prepared for publication, which will be handed in in the form of an electronic manuscript (prepared to be sent to a prestigious publishing house for evaluation).


Project manager: dr. Ágnes Pethő

Members: dr. Judit Pieldnerdr. Katalin Sándordr. Hajnal Királydr. Melinda Blos-Jáni


Organization of international conferences

1. Launching of the research project with the conference: "RETHINKING INTERMEDIALITY IN THE DIGITAL AGE" connected directly to the topic of the research project, held between 24-26 October 2013. Sapientia University, Cluj-Napoca. Details about this conference, about the keynote speakers, programme, abstracts as well as videos of keynote lectures can be accessed here.

Conference report written about this conference by Pieldner Judit for the European Narratology Network (ENN).

2. FIGURATIONS OF INTERMEDIALITY IN FILM, XV. Film and Media Studies Conference inTransylvania. 24-25 October, 2014. Sapientia University, Cluj-Napoca. The international English language conference is organized within the frameworks of the research project and initiates a debate on the theory and methodology of analyzing figurations of intermediality in film.

A detailed description of the theoretical issues addressed by the conference and the CFP, final programme and abstracts of the presentations, photos of the event, videos of selected presentations can be accessed here.

3. THE REAL AND THE INTERMEDIAL, XVI. Film and Media Studies Conference inTransylvania, 23-24 October, 2015. Sapientia University, Cluj-Napoca. The international English language conference is organized within the frameworks of the research project. Following up on the themes introduced in our previous conferences we addressed one of the most puzzling phenomena of contemporary media and film: the intertwining of the illusion of reality with effects of intermediality, connecting the experience of a palpable, everyday world with artificiality, abstraction and the awareness of multiple mediations.

The conference call, final programme and abstracts of the presentations, photos of the event and videos of keynote lectures can be accessed here.

Independent conference report written by Malgorzata Bugaj (University of Edinburgh) and published in Studies in Eastern European Cinema can be read here.


This two-day workshop organized at the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania brought together researchers in order to select and discuss papers for an edited volume centered on issues of intermediality in contemporary Central and East European Cinema (to be submitted to a publishing house later in 2016). The event also continued our collaboration with a similar research project at the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.

You can access here: the schedule of the workshop and abstracts of the presentations, the photos documenting the event.

The conference report about the event was published in Studies in Eastern European Cinema in August 2016. The article written by Bencze Kránitz can be accessed here.

Participation in international conferences

"RETHINKING INTERMEDIALITY IN THE DIGITAL AGE", 24-26 October, 2013. Conference of the International Society for Intermedial Studies hosted by the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Cluj-Napoca, organized by the research team.

Papers presented at this conference by members of the research team:

  • Ágnes Pethő: The "Sensation of Intermediality" and the Tableau Vivant as a Post-Cinematic Image
  • Katalin Sándor: "Own Deaths" - Towards a Concept of Haptic Intermediality
  • Hajnal Király: Eccentricities of an Old Man: Film as Intermedial and Transitional Object in Manoel de Oliveira's Adaptations
  • Judit Pieldner: Austerlitz and Marienbad: Intermedial Relations among Literature, Film and Photography

Second International Meeting on Narratology and the Arts, "Art as Text. Narratological, Semiotic and Transmedial Approaches,"/ 2e rencontre internationale «Narratologie et les Arts» «L'art comme texte. Approches narratologiques, sémiotiques et trans-médiatiques» 5-7 December, 2013, Strasbourg (France)
(See the conference programme here.) 

  • Paper presented at this conference: Ágnes Pethő: Moving Images in-between Stillness and Motion, "Sensation" and Narrativity

International film studies conference "Rendering (the) Visible II: The Figure", Moving Image Studies, Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA, 6-8 February, 2014. (See the programme of the conference here.)

Papers presented at this conference:

  • Pethő Ágnes : "‘Give Me an Image, Then!': Cinematic Pictorialism In-between the ‘Figural' and ‘Figuration'"
  • Király Hajnal: "Playing Dead: The Figural and the Figurative in Pictorial Representations of Bodies in Contemporary Hungarian Cinema".

Conference on "Photofilmic Images in Contemporary Art and Visual Culture" − Centre de recherche en théorie des arts (UCL), Lieven Gevaert Research Centre for Photography, Leuven University(KU Leuven - UCL), Wiels Contemporary Art Centre, Brussells (Belgium), 12-15 March, 2014. (See the programme of the conference here.)

Paper presented at this conference:

  • Pethő Ágnes: Figurations of the Photo-Filmic? Stillness Versus Motion - Stillness in Motion

The 4th Annual Conference of the AIM (Association of Moving Images/Associação da Imagem em Movimento), University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, 15-17 May 2014. (See the programme of the conference here.)

Paper presented at this conference:

  • Hajnal Király: Intermedial Figurations of Melancholy in European Cinema

Conference on "Corporeality and Visuality from Historical Avant-garde to Social Media", Department of Cinematography and Media, Faculty of Theatre and Television, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 29-31 May 2014. (See the conference programme here.)

Papers presented at this conference:

  • Judit Pieldner: Remediated Bodies, Corporeal Images in Gábor Bódy's Narcissus and Psyche
  • Katalin Sándor: Bodies in Heterotopias in Hajdu Szabolcs's Bibliothèque Pascal
  • Melinda Blos-Jáni: Getting in Touch with Media: Practices of Addressing and Touching the Picture Taking Technologies in Homemade Imagery

NECS (European Network for Cinema and Media Studies) Conference: "Creative Energies, Creative Industries" organized by the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milan and the University of Udine, Milan (Italy), 19-21 June 2014. (The conference programme can be accessed here.)

Panel presenting the early results of the research project at this conference with the title: Rethinking the Aesthetics of Intermediality in Contemporary Central and East European Cinema

Description: the panel presents the preliminary results (theoretical enquiries and case studies) of a research project that focuses on the investigation of new, innovative forms of cinematic intermediality that can be seen in the context of shifting paradigms in film poetics: from stylistic patterns of modern cinema towards what we may term as "post-media cinema," and also in the context of an increased integration of Central and Eastern European cinema into globalizing trends in film, revealing a "communication" not only between media and arts, but also between the cultures of the East and the West.

Papers presented in this panel:

  • Judit Pieldner: Rethinking the Moving Image in Jan Švankmajer's Surviving Life (Theory and Practice) and György Pálfi's Final Cut - Ladies and Gentlemen
  • Katalin Sándor: Heterotopias of/and "Living Images" in Bibliothèque Pascal
  • Hajnal Király: In the Mirror: Isolated (painterly) Images as Anamorphoses in Contemporary Hungarian Films
  • Ágnes Pethő: Rethinking the Notion of the "Photo-Filmic" in Contemporary/Post-Media Cinema

Deviate! The 2nd International Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media Conference, 4-6 September 2014, University College Cork.

Papers presented at this conference:

  • Judit Pieldner: Serialism and New Narrativity in Gábor Bódy's Narcissus and Psyche
  • Katalin Sándor: Unframing. Photo-filmic and Pictorial Folds in Marcell Iványi's Short Films

FIGURATIONS OF INTERMEDIALITY IN FILM, XV. Film and Media Studies Conference inTransylvania. 24-25 October, 2014. Sapientia University. (See the conference programme here.)

Papers presented at this conference:

  • Ágnes Pethő: Becoming an Image. Theorizing the Tableau Vivant in Contemporary East European Cinema
  • Hajnal Király: The Clinical Gaze: Intermedial (Body) Images and the Emergence of the Figural in Contemporary Hungarian Films
  • Katalin Sándor: "Living Pictures." Intermedial Figurations of the Photo-Filmic and the Pictorial in Marcell Iványi's Short Films
  • Melinda Blos-Jáni: Refiguring the Communist Past in East European Compilation Documentaries
  • Judit Pieldner: Collage and Mash-up as Fgurations of Intermediality and Post-mediality in Jan Švankmajer’s Surviving Life (Theory and Practice) and György Pálfi’s Final Cut – Ladies and Gentlemen

Amateur Film in the Eastern Bloc, international conference organized by the The Czech National Film Archive, in cooperation with the European Archive Association Inédits (Inédits: Amateur Films/Memory of Europe). October 30 - November 1, 2014. Cinema Ponrepo, Prague. (See the conference programme here.)

Paper presented at this conference:

  • Melinda Blos-Jáni: Men with the Movie Camera. Excavating Amateur Films from the Socialist Romania.

V. Magyar Pszichoanalitikus Filmkonferencia (V. Hungarian Psychonalytic Film Conference) organized by the University of Pécs, the Imago International Society (London), the Imágó Society (Budapest), and the Pannonia Psychiatric Society. November 20-22, 2014, Pécs (Hungary). See the list of presentations here.

Paper presented at this conference:

  • Hajnal Király: Élve eltemetve: A melankólia reprezentációja a kortárs magyar filmekben (Buried Alive: Representations of Melancholy in Contemporary Hungarian Films)

Society For Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) Annual Conference, March 25-29, 2015, organized in Montréal (Canada). The full programme can be accessed here.

Paper presented in the panel: New Romanian Cinema. Between Realism, Minimalism, and Transnationalism (organized and moderated by Christina Stojanova from the University of Regina)

  • Ágnes Pethő: "Exhibited Space" and Intermediality in the Films of Corneliu Porumboiu.

Play, Perform, Participate, April 16-18, 2015. Conference of the International Society for Intermedial Studies hosted by the University of Utrecht (Utrecht, The Netherlands). (See the complete programme of the conference here.) 2 panels organized at this conference in collaboration with the OTKA Research Project from Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (Hungary) "Space-ing Otherness. Cultural Images of Space, Contact Zones in Contemporary Hungarian and Romanian Cinema and Literature" (OTKA NN 112700), and the ongoing Postdoctoral Research Project at the Sapientia University, Cluj.

5 papers presented by the members of the research team in these 2 panels:

Intermedial Cinema 1: Remediated, Restaged Memories: On Generating "Reality" in (Post)communist Cinemas:

  • Katalin Sándor: Filming the Camera - Reflexivity, Performativity and Re-Enactment in Lucian Pintilie's Re-enactment (1969) and Niki and Flo (2003)
  • Melinda Blos-Jáni : Looking for the "Real" and Refiguring the Communist Past in East-European Compilation Documentaries

Intermedial Cinema 2: “Real” Versus “Intermedial”: Playing for Both Sides

  • Ágnes Pethő: Exhibiting the Real: The Performative Space of the Cinematic Tableau
  • Hajnal Király: Playing with the Mind's Eye: Visual Clues, Trompe l'oeils in Contemporary Hungarian Cinema
  • Judit Pieldner: Performing the Unspeakable. Intermedial Events in András Jeles's Parallel Lives

Re-Imagining Childhood: Images, Objects and the Voice of the Child, May 9, 2015, University of Greenwich, UK. Conference organized by the Centre for the Study of Play and Recreation and
The Society for the Study of Childhood in the Past.

Paper presented at this conference:

  • Melinda Blos-Jáni: Children Looking into the Lens. Home Movies as Artificial Bodies of Childhood.

The Annual Conference of the AIM (Associação de Investigadores da Imagem em Movimento) from Portugal, organized by ISCTE-IUL (Instituto Universitario de Lisboa), May 21-23, 2015.

Paper presented at this conference:

  • Hajnal Király: The Western Connection: Interpreting Art References in the Cinema of the "Other" Europe

NECS (European Network for Cinema and Media Studies) Conference: "Archives of/for the Future" organized by the University of Łódź and the University of Social Sciences and Humanities SWPS in Warsaw, Łódź, Poland, 18-20 June 2015.

Panel organized at this conference: Remediating the "Real", Refiguring the Past in (Post-)communist Central and Eastern European Cinema
Description: the panel ‒ as an outcome of an international cooperation between two research projects (our ongoing project, PN-II-ID-PCE-2012-4-0573, and an OTKA Research Project from Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary) ‒ proposes to present research results responding to the theoretical questions raised by the conference. Thus the presentations investigate the different material and discursive conditions of remediating the past and the "real" through the filmic medium within the context of (post-)communist Central and Eastern European cinema, reflecting on the thematization of the process of filmmaking, on re-staging the past, refiguring the indexical archival footage, as well as on the possibilities of recycling archive material in compilation documentaries.

Papers presented:

  • Melinda Blos-Jáni: Unreliable images. Mediating the "Real" in East-European Compilation Documentaries about the Communist Past
  • Pieldner Judit: Remediating the Unspeakable. The Memory of the Holocaust in András Jeles's Parallel Lives
  • Katalin Sándor: (Re)making the Past in Lucian Pintilie's "Reenactment" (1969) and "Niki and Flo" (2003)

Film-Philosophy Conference, "The Evaluation of Form" organized at St. Ann's College, Oxford, 20-22 July, 2015. Full programme of the conference can be accessed here.

Paper presented at this conference:

  • Ágnes Pethő: Between Absorption and Theatricality: New Inflections of the Cinematic Tableau

Changing Platforms of Memory Practices. Technologies, User Generations and Amateur Media Dispositifs, organized by the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, 10-12 September 2015.

Paper presented at this conference:

  • Melinda Blos-Jáni: Children, Moving Image: The History of the Complicity between Children and Recording Process in Home Movies.

The Real and the Intermedial, XVI. Film and Media Studies Conference inTransylvania, Sapientia University, Cluj-Napoca, 23-24 October, 2015.

Papers presented at this conference:

  • Ágnes Pethő: The Image, Alone: Photography, Painting and the Tableau Aesthetic in Post-Cinema
  • Hajnal Király: Looking West: Understanding Art References in Lucian Pintilie's Post-Wall Socio-Political Allegories
  • Katalin Sándor: Media Reflexivity as Critical Practice in Lucian Pintilie's The Oak (1992) and The Afternoon of a Torturer (2001)
  • Judit Pieldner: Trauma, Intermediality, Magical Realism vs. Minimalist Realism in Contemporary Hungarian and Romanian Cinema
  • Melinda Blos-Jáni: Ephemeral History and Enduring Celluloid - Stages of Reality in Nae Caranfil's Films

European Cinemas, Intercultural Meetings: Aesthetics, Politics, Industry, History - An ECREA Film Studies Section Conference, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 13-14 November, 2015.

Paper presented at this conference:

  • Hajnal Király: Place of Encounter: Thematising Cultural Exchange in Contemporary Hungarian Romanian Co-productions

Cinema and Visual Culture in Post-Communist Europe: From Crisis to Euphoria and Back Again, Third Conference in Film and Media Studies, organized by the Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Theatre and Television, Department of Cinema and Media, 27-28 May 2016.

Paper presented at this conference:

  • Judit Pieldner: Cultural Memory, Intermediality and Transculturality in Radu Jude's Aferim!

Intermediality in Contemporary Central and East European Cinema, international workshop, Cluj-Napoca, Sapientia University of Transylvania, 30-31 May

Papers presented at this workshop:

  • Katalin Sándor: Border Crossings and Contact Zones in Contemporary Romanian and Hungarian Films
  • Judit Pieldner: Cultural Memory, Intermediality and Transculturality in Radu Jude's Aferim!
  • Hajnal Király: Sonorous Envelopes and Unlikely Cultural/Media Connections in Liza, the Fox-Fairy
  • Melinda Blos-Jáni: Cinema in Disguise. Staging Video/TV Dispositifs and Masculinities in Crisis in Recent Romanian Films
  • Ágnes Pethő: Post-Media Figurations of Intermediality and the Affects of the Picturesque

Popular Music in Eastern Europe, international conference organized by IEAS, University of Debrecen (Hungary), 2-3 June, 2016

Paper presented at this conference:

  • Hajnal Király: Pop Music and Nostalgia in Post-Communist Hungarian Cinema

TiMeDoc Conference. Time and Memory in Non-fiction Cinema, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, 20-22 June, 2016.

Paper presented at this conference:

  • Melinda Blos-Jáni: Unreliable images? Engaging with the Past through Archival Images in Romanian Documentaries about Communism

Screened Memories: Historical Narratives and Contemporary Visual Culture workshop Central European University, Budapest, 1-9 July, 2016.

Paper presented:

  • Melinda Blos-Jáni: Representing the Communist Past through Archival Noise in East-European Compilation Documentaries.

Film-Philosophy Conference, Edinburgh (UK), 6-8 July, 2016.

Paper presented at this conference:

  • Ágnes Pethő: Moving Images Posing as Pictures: Rethinking the Intermediality of the Cinematic Tableau

NECS (European Network for Cinema and Media Studies) Conference: "In/Between: Cultures of Connectivity" July 26-30, 2016, Potsdam, Germany.

Papers presented at this conference in the panels "Transcultural and Intermedial Connections in Contemporary Romanian and Hungarian Cinema" and "From the Social to the Personal: An Eastern European Perspective on (Dis)Connectivity":

  • Melinda Blos-Jáni: Remediated Connections. Staging Video and TV Dispositifs and Masculinities in Crisis in Recent Romanian Films
  • Judit Pieldner: Connecting to the Past. History, Intermediality and Transculturality in Radu Jude's Aferim!
  • Katalin Sándor: Border Crossings and Contact Zones in Contemporary Romanian and Hungarian Films
  • Hajnal Király: A Story of Unlikely Cultural (and Media) Connections: Liza, the Fox-Fairy


Invitations for guest lectures presenting results of the research project:

International collaboration:

The results of this collaboration are:

  • papers presented in joint panels organized at 4 international conferences:
  1. Play, Perform, Participate, Utrecht, The Netherlands, April 16-18, 2015,
  2. NECS / European Network for Cinema and Media Studies / Conference: "Archives of/for the Future", Łódź, Polonia, 18-20 June 2015.
  3. The Real and the Intermedial, XVI. Film and Media Studies Conference in Transylvania, Universitatea Sapientia, Cluj-Napoca, 23-24 October, 2015.
  4. NECS (European Network for Cinema and Media Studies) Conference: "In/Between: Cultures of Connectivity" 26-30 July, 2016, Potsdam, Germany.

See the titles of the presentations listed above in the list of conference presentations.


Books published:

  • Ágnes Pethő (ed.): The Cinema of Sensations. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015. ISBN 978-1-4438-6883-9. 395 pages.
  • Melinda Blos-Jáni: A családi filmezés genealógiája. Amatőr médiagyakorlatok története Erdélyben - a fotózástól az új mozgóképfajtákig (The Genealogy of Home Movies. Transylvanian Amateur Media Practices from Photography to New Media), EME/Editura Muzeului Ardelean, Cluj-Napoca (accredited publishing house by the CNCS, B category), 2015. ISBN 978-606-739-028-5. 232 pages.
  • Judit Pieldner: Szöveg, kép, mozgókép kapcsolatai Bódy Gábor és Jeles András filmművészetében (Relations among Text, Image and Motion Picture in Gábor Bódy's and András Jeles's Cinematic Art), Editura Egyetemi Műhely, Cluj-Napoca (accredited publishing house by the CNCS, B category), 2015. ISBN: 978-606-8145-75-4. 209 pages.

Book chapters published:

  • Hajnal Király: Playing Dead: Pictorial Figurations of Melancholia in Contemporary Hungarian Cinema, accepted for publication in the volume in: Ewa Mazierska, Matilda Mroz, Elzbieta Ostrowska (eds.): The Cinematic Bodies of Eastern Europe and Russia: Between Pain and Pleasure, Edinburgh University Press, 2016: 67-89.
  • Ágnes Pethő: ‘The ‘Chemistry' of Art(ifice) and Life: Embodied Paintings in East European Cinema,' in: Ewa Mazierska, Matilda Mroz, Elzbieta Ostrowska (eds.): The Cinematic Bodies of Eastern Europe and Russia: Between Pain and Pleasure, Edinburgh University Press, 2016: 239-257.
  • Ágnes Pethő:Introduction: Possible Questions in "Sensuous" Film Studies. In: Ágnes Pethő (ed.): The Cinema of Sensations. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2015: 1-15.
  • Ágnes Pethő: "Housing" a Deleuzian "Sensation": Notes on the Post-Cinematic Tableaux Vivants of Lech Majewski, Sharunas Bartas and Ihor Podolchak, in the volume: The Cinema of Sensations,edited by Ágnes Pethő, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2015:155-185.
  • Hajnal Király: The Alienated Body: Smell, Touch and Oculocentrism in Contemporary Hungarian Cinema, in the volume: The Cinema of Sensations, edited by Ágnes Pethő, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2015: 185-209.
  • Katalin Sándor: "Own Deaths:" Figures of the Sensable in Péter Nádas's Book and Péter Forgács's Film, in the volume: The Cinema of Sensations, edited by Ágnes Pethő, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2015: 303-323.
  • Judit Pieldner: Remediating Past Images: The Temporality of “Found Footage” in Gábor Bódy’s American Torso, in the volume: The Cinema of Sensations, edited by Ágnes Pethő, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2015: 323-343.
  • Ágnes Pethő: Figurations of the Photofilmic: Stillness versus Motion ‒ Stillness in Motion, in The Photofilmic. Entangled Images in Contemporary Art and Visual Culture edited by Brianne Cohen, Alexander Streitberger, Leuven University Press, Lieven Gevaert Series, 2016: 221-243.
  • Hajnal Király: The Beautiful Face of Melancholia in the Cinema of Béla Tarr, in Eve-Marie Kallen (ed.): Tarr 60 - In the Honour of a Distinguished Cinéaste, Budapest, Underground Kiadó, 2015: 179-196.

Special journal issues edited and published within the framework of the research project:

Articles published in scientific journals indexed in international academic databases:

Articles accepted for publication in scientific volumes published at prestigious publishing houses or in journals based on a peer-review system and indexed in international academic databases:

  • Melinda Blos-Jáni: Ephemeral History and Enduring Celluloid - Fictions about Romanian Film History, accepted for publication in the volume: The New Romanian Cinema. A Reader, edited by Christina Stojanova, to be published at the Edinburgh University Press (in 2017).
  • Katalin Sándor: Filming the Camera - Media-Reflexivity and Reenactment in Lucian Pintilie's Reconstruction (1969) and Niki and Flo (2003), accepted for publication in the volume: The New Romanian Cinema. A Reader, edited by Christina Stojanova, to be published at the Edinburgh University Press (in 2017).
  • Ágnes Pethő: "Exhibited Space" and Intermediality in the films of Corneliu Porumboiu, accepted for publication in the volume: The New Romanian Cinema. A Reader, edited by Christina Stojanova, to be published at the Edinburgh University Press (in 2017).
  • Katalin Sándor: Corporeality and Otherness in the Cinematic Heterotopias of Szabolcs Hajdu's Film, Bibliothèque Pascal (2010). In Andrea Virginás (ed.): Spaces, Bodies, Memories. Cultural Studies Approaches in the Study Of Eastern European Cinema. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 71-79 (forthcoming in 2016/17).
  • Judit Pieldner: History, Cultural Memory and Intermediality in Joanna Kos-Krauze and Krzysztof Krauze’s Papusza and Radu Jude’s Aferim! forthcoming in Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Film and Media Studies, Vol. 13 (2016)
  • Hajnal Király: Sonorous Envelopes and Unlikely Cultural/Media Connections in Liza, the Fox-Fairy forthcoming in Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Film and Media Studies, Vol. 13 (2016).
  • Melinda Blos-Jáni: Cinema in Disguise. Staging Video/TV Dispositifs in Recent Romanian Films, forthcoming in Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Film and Media Studies, Vol. 14 (2017).
  • Katalin Sándor: Trauma and Intermediality in Jasmila Žbanić’s For Those Who Can Tell No Tales (2013) forthcoming in Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Film and Media Studies, Vol. 14 (2017).

Edited volume of essays
(to be submitted to a publisher):
Figurations of Intermediality in Contemporary East European and Russian Cinema (321 pages, see the Scientific report below)

Scientific Report 2013-2016




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