Universitatea Sapientia, Secţia Cinematografie, fotografie, media
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Începe ediția a 8-a FFEST
19.11.2014 12:54

Festivalul își dă startul pe 26 noiembrie. Proiecțiile vor avea loc la sediul facultății noastre de pe Calea Turzii.

Programul în limbă engleză:

Wednesday, 26th November 2014

16,00 - 18,00: Screening of the competition movies (Category: Short Fictions I)
18,00 - 19,00: Official Opening of the Festival FFEST 2014
19,00 - 21,00: Tudor Giurgiu: Love Sick - fiction, 85 min, 2006
Love. It just happens. No rules. It may look sick, but it's deep and it hurts. For everyone, Alex and Kiki are just two good friends. They happen to be two girls experiencing another kind of love. For their family, Kiki and Sandu are sister and brother who sometimes fight. They happen to be lovers. Love Sick is about their stories.

Thursday, 27th November 2014

11,00 - 13,00: Screening of the competition movies (Category: Short fictions II)
13,00 - 14,00: Lunch break
14,00 - 16,00: Screening of the competition movies (Category: Animations and Very Short Fictions)
16,30 - 18,30: Screening of the competition movies (Category: Documentaries I)
19,00 - 20,45: Screening of the competition movies (Category: Short fictions III)
21:00 - 22:30: Screening of the competition movies (Category: Short fictions IV).

Friday, 28th November 2014

11,00 - 13,00: Screening of the competition movies (Category: Experimental films)
13,00 - 14,00: Lunch break
14,00 - 16,00: Screening of the competition movies (Category: Documentaries II)
17,00 - 19,00: Master class with the film director Tudor Giurgiu
20,00 - 22,00: Screening of the competition movies (Category: Short fictions V).


Saturday, 29th November 2014

11,00 - 13,00: Screening of the competition movies (Category: Short fictions VI)
13,00 - 14,00: Lunch break
16,00 - 17,30: Best OF BUSHO Budapest Short Film Festival 2014
17,30 - Official opening of the Photo Exhibition
18,00 - Awarding Ceremony of the Festival FfeST 2014.

All the screenings will take place at Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania. Address: Cluj-Napoca, Calea Turzii 4. Building B, Aula Magna. Master Class will be hosted by Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Theatre and Television Address: Cluj-Napoca, Mihai Kogălniceanu st. 4.



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Rekollekt - Erdélyi Audiovizuális Archívum
Erdélyi Magyar Filmszövetség Beanbag Animation Studio
Magyar Filmtudományi Társaság ELTE Filmtudomány Tanszék
Filmtett - Erdélyi Filmes Portál
Metropolis - Filmelméleti és filmtörténeti folyóirat